Happy (belated) birthday, Setsuna Yuki/Nana Nakagawa!
I’m really glad that I came around on your character and that you ended up being one of my best girls!
Before SIFAS hit worldwide, I had to rely on what everyone that played the Japanese version of the game was saying to get an idea of what your character was like in the game’s story. There was plenty of vitriol. Many were saying that you took up way too much screentime, you were a Mary Sue, and that you were overrated as all get-out. So, naturally, hearing multiple people say these things soured my opinion of you. Listening to those people was not the best idea, and I definitely should’ve formed my own opinion instead of forming one based on what others said, but old habits die hard, I suppose.
When I got to know you in-game, I enjoyed your character a lot! You did have significant focus and character development in the first season’s story, but it never felt like you were taking attention away from other characters to me. Your story felt like it had its place. You had many good traits, but you also had flaws that ultimately caused many of the problems in the first season. You weren’t as perfect as everyone (both in-game and IRL) thought that you were.
What lured me over to the Setsu side was your geeky personality and your voice. I love how into your hobbies you are! Some people may call it pandering, but when I first saw that side of you, you reminded me so much of how I am when I’m really into something that I couldn’t help but like you because of it. It’s the best feeling ever to pour your heart out about the things that you love. And your voice…I didn’t think anyone’s voice would ever top Umi’s for my overall favorite, and I slept on it for a while, but once I really listened to your songs, I was blown away by how powerful your vocals were! I was basically Yu during the CHASE! sequence in the anime.
I haven’t been in the best place during these past couple of days, but I still wanted to write something to show how much I appreciate you. Never stop being the awesome rocker flamethrowing school idol that you are! Setsuna Scarlet Storm!