203 posts match your search:
May 14, 2023 02:56:23 +0000
you know when you enter idol.st and a cute idol appears on the main page and you can't go to the page you want because you need to observe the cute idol
March 31, 2023 22:37:40 +0000
There’s a few stories I could tell but I’d be a fool to not share my most memorable and imo funniest story with sif; the $6000 whale or how I was a dumb dumb kid lol
So I was maybe around 13 at the time and had next to no concept of money, and my parents let me borrow some money for my 3ds, and to do it I took a pic of their card, next thing you know I’m having some pretty bad rolls and think “oh they wouldn’t mind if I used some money” and that repeated $20 at a time for a while. I had no concept of whaling and I genuinely thought that it wouldn’t do anything first time around. This happened twice, the first time only $2000 and a second with $4000, now obvs sif wasn’t the only thing I spent on but it was a catalyst! Thankfully my parents weren’t toooo mad at me and they were able to get it all refunded so I can laugh at my past self instead of get angry at ‘em!