Hi everyone! I figured I'd introduce myself on here :3
My name is Noah or you can call me Anti (he/him), I'm an 18 year old LLSIF(AS) fan from the US. I recently got back into love live since the Japanese release of the SIF2, and honestly I forgot how much I love these silly little idols. My Best Girls™ from each group are: Kotori, Kanan, Rina, and Natsumi. (I know nothing abt Natsumi I just like her hair hehe)
I'd also like to take a moment to plug my new instagram! It's called kohanebirthdayco and it's where I'll be posting little birthday celebration images for characters not just from Love Live, but also from Bandori and Project Sekai! I also need some ideas of what to post in between birthdays so if you have any lemme know.
Also, my new SIFAS friend code is listed on my account here and I'm accepting friend requests! I restarted my account so that's why I'm like level 7 lol.