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January 22, 2021 23:45:35 +0000 (UTC)


happy birthday, kasumi! ♡


I have a lot of feelings about my favorite character of all time, which is why I have it compiled into the graphic edit below! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑) to summarize it further, kasumi nakasu is my favorite character of all time. i know she hasn’t existed for long, but she’s come to mean a LOT to me, so it being her birthday makes this a VERY special day! let’s celebrate!

unfortunately, due to school, i don’t have time to do new art for you, but i love you lots! in particular, I really love your outfit from popping up, which is why I drew it:


and here is my humble merch collection! it’s gonna grow in time, though, because many items have been pre-ordered and haven’t arrived yet! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


i’ve felt bad in the past from feeling like i wasn’t good enough to support others because I didn’t have enough money, or enough time, or I wasn’t good enough at the game... but that doesn't matter. all that matters is that you keep me going, and as long as you’re there, i’ll continue to do my best not only for you, kasumin, but for myself, too!

have a wonderful day, kasumin! ♡