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April 01, 2021 10:03:06 +0000 (UTC)

To Saito Shuka san..

To Saito Shuka-san..

Hello there, my name is Dorielle, and I wanted to thank you for all your hard work. I've followed you since Aqours began, and I've loved you and your work ever since. Thank you for the energy you bring to everything you do, and I always look forward to what comes next. I love Papapa! And I loved hearing you in ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ! It's really cool meeting different characters from you! I hope you like the art I drew of You as a Pokémon trainer! I thought Zenigame and Iwanko fit you well! Again, thank you for your hard work! You encourage me to try my best and have fun! Congratulations on being April's Weather Caster! I hope it goes well!

Yousoro! Dorielle