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October 23, 2019 17:27:26 +0000 (UTC)


I got into Love Live back in March of 2016. I became aware of it in maybe the most typical way possible, through Nico Nico nii memes and SiIvagunner. I fell in love with it after that and binged μ's, was happy (and sad) to be a fan when their Final Live happened shortly after. Since then I've stuck with Aqours throughout their journey, bought tons of merch and met lots of friends. I can't be thankful enough for what LL has given me. To this day since 2016 I run a LL music stream called Love Live Radio, where I've met lots of like minded love livers~ I hope to continue supporting Love Live in the future, I'll be cheering on Nijigaku~

October 20, 2019 07:36:37 +0000 (UTC)


I've started watching Cinderella Girls and have made the connection that to be a dark arts/fallen angel/gothic character your last character needs to be "ko" in your civilian form (i.e. Ranko, Yoshiko, Sachiko).

So let's have a battle of the best girls who fit this genre. Feel free to add other girls who fit the trope (whether they have "ko" or not.)

I want to apologize in advance if I didn't name the trope correctly, politically or not. Just how I would describe it. I don't mean to offend anyone.

October 17, 2019 17:45:31 +0000 (UTC)


what's up i'm ellie (@/ryuusekirari on twitter) and i just joined idol story! ive been a love live fan since march of 2016 and im super excited to see where all stars takes the franchise. nice to meet u!

October 15, 2019 16:54:31 +0000 (UTC)


Hey! Is anyone having problems with all star crashing when you try to download new content? Do someone know how to fix that? Thank you!