Title, idol, song, visual description
For every 20 rhythm icons, there is a 28% chanceof your rhythm icon score being raised by 106 for 2s.
Every time you get a 28 combo, there is a 50% chance of your rhythm icon score being raised by 103 for 2.5s.
Every time you get a 15 combo, there is a 26% chanceof your rhythm icon score being raised by 102 for 2.5s.
Every 5 seconds, there is a 34% chance of your rhythm icon score being raised by 95 for 3s.
Every 5 seconds, there is a 34% chanceof your rhythm icon score being raised by 95 for 3s.
Every time you get a 26 combo, there is a 52% chance of your rhythm icon score being raised by 92 for 3s.
Every 5 seconds, there is a 34% chance of your rhythm icon score being raised by 95 for 2.5s.
5秒ごとに34%の確率で 2.5秒間リズムアイコンのスコアが95増える
Every time you get a 24 combo, there is a 49% chanceof your rhythm icon score being raised by 91 for 2.5s.