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70 posts match your search:
5 years ago

Super Star!! color codes, because why not?

Kanon: #FF7F27

Keke: #A0FFF9

Chisato: #FF6E90

Sumire: #74F467

Ren: #010197

5 years ago
Happy early birthday, Setsuna! Uh... I don't know what else to add here.

Happy early birthday, Setsuna! Uh... I don't know what else to add here.

5 years ago

IDOLM@STER Games on BlueStacks once I come back to play them: Go ahead!

SIFAS on BlueStacks when I come back to play it and it's downloading more data(?): FUDGE NO (freezes for no reason, even when I have fine internet.)