2563 posts match your search:
8 months ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SETSUNA!!!!!!! My girlie!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for introducing me to Nijigasaki, and inspiring me to embrace what I love! So, let me send you all MY love, like you do for me.
(The above picture is a still from All Stars. I still miss it...)
8 months ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONOKA-CHAN!! You deserve all the presents and love you'll get today, being the OG, the one who started it all... It'll be a "Sunny Day" for everyone now! ?
(The picture is an official still from All Stars.)
10 months ago
Hello all! Long time lurker, first time poster!
I write for a games website and I wrote an opinion/theory post about the recent mobile game closures and the future of Love Live games as a whole, it would be awesome if you checked it out and let me know what you think!
10 months ago
Next up Pansexual Ruby! I personally like the cyan umbrella if I say so myself.
10 months ago
I have a question. Or I guess just a general wonder. It seems like SO MANY people seemed to have liked SIFAS so much better. But I can’t really understand why. Like I understand there was models and nice cards, but the rhythm game part itself seemed lacking to me. It never seemed challenging at all… So I’ve always been a bit confused. I guess it’s mainly people who just love the gacha part who praise it so highly? I’m not sure.
I’m not trashing on it, I did have some fun on it, but nothing like when I played SIF, with 9 icons on the screen. I love when my fingers get to go brrrrrrrrr.
In other words, I haven’t even played Link Like or Puchiguru. But from the looks of them, they aren’t even rhythm games 😭
This company is just confusing the hell out of me I'm ngl. Now all we have are games that aren’t even rhythm games. THIS FANDOM IS ABOUT IDOLS AND MUSIC. PLEASE.
12 months ago
Helllooo everyone!! It has been a while since Ive been on idol story but a lot has happened in the LL community that I thought it would be appropriate to talk about. First and foremost besides the eos of sifas the eos of sif 2 has happened in such a short time and I did feel that this game was going but its upsetting that sifas was gone for nothing it really was the foundation of this franchise and now we have no school idol festival game. Hasunosora is doing a wondeful job carrying on with their game and I have a feeling that these girls are gonna do something great that the fans would be grateful for. Im always devastated and grieving for sifas to come back but a girl can dream so lets pray for a better future for love live.
about a year ago
Quick post -
Ayumu-chan and Hanamaru... I'M SORRY I'M LATE!!! But happy belated birthdays!!
Also, I'm back on Bandori now!!
(The above pictures are screenshots from All stars)
about a year ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KANAN!!! Our ocean beauty has never failed us before, and never will! Keep RUNNING and getting MORE love by the day! (Those are solo-related puns BTW)
All the artwork is taken from either this site or the fandom.
about a year ago
Sorry I'm a day late but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA-CHAN!!! The girl with a heart as gentle as grass swaying in the Swiss breeze...
Love you, Emma! Keep being the dependable, loving, soft-spoken young lady you are, and eat some bread! You deserve it!!
(All the above images are taken from this site. They are official card and anime images of Emma-chan, I just cobbled them into a collage on my phone's photo app. Except the anime pic, that's taken from the fandom.)
about a year ago
Happy birthday Dia-chan!! I know I'm a day late, but I made a little picture collage to celebrate! Keep beimg our traditional Japanese princess, Dia-chan!! ♦
(All the pictures are official, and from this site's Cards and Idols pages. I edited it together on the gallery app on my phone.)