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2 months ago

Hello admin, I wanna ask something. Is there any possibility that they'll launch a boy group similar to Idolmaster, Ensemble Stars & Bang Dream?

2 months ago

Love Live birthday years (headcanon)

µ's 3rd years - 1996 2nd years - 1997 1st years - 1998

Aqours 3rd years - 1999 2nd years - 2000 1st years - 2001

Nijigasaki 3rd years - 2002 2nd years - 2003 1st years - 2004

Mia is the youngest so she probably born in 2006

Liella S1 - 1st years (main 5) - 2005 S2 - 1st years (4 new members) - 2006 S3 - 1st years (2 new members) - 2007

Hasunosora 3rd years - 2008 2nd years - 2009 1st years - 2010

Note: Only third years in muse are millenials while most of them are in Gen Z. 1st years in Hasunosora are in Gen Alpha

9 months ago
Happy 9th Anniversary to Aqours!

Happy 9th Anniversary to Aqours!

I don't have any edits or anything to show for the occasion. But I'm still really happy this day could come. I didn't start following Aqours outside of the anime until a few years ago, but it feels like it's been a lot longer.

Here's hoping we can get at least a few more years before that day finally arrives :)

10 months ago
Hi, I'm a big fan of Love Live Since 2020, that's why I started cosplay.

Hi, I'm a big fan of Love Live Since 2020, that's why I started cosplay. I come here to represent Brazilian fans 🇧🇷 Se quiseres me acompanhar @tetesulista

about a year ago

Seventh Episode: First Impressions I definitely understand where Kanata is coming from being so sleepy, as someone that works night shifts. Though, I've never gotten to be close with my sister, since she's so much older than me. Either way, I liked the episode, but it's coming down from my Best Girl Rin, so it's hard to beat.

about a year ago

Sixth Episode: First Impression RINA CHAN! This has been one of my favorite episodes so far. I love how they took a common stereotype (Socially awkward person that's better with tech than people) and used it to help her improve on her quest to be a School Idol! And Crunchyroll gave me my subtitles, thankfully! Fun fact, I've been to Joypolis, where her concert was! They had Nijigasaki merch there, which definitely helped me down this rabbit hole.

about a year ago

Fifth Episode: First Impressions The flashback (?) at the beginning confused me, but it all ironed itself out. At least Emma got her subtitles for her song. now that I know what's going on with Karin, I can completely understand where she's coming from, since most times I can feel the same way. Also, I'm worried about Rin with that little after-credits scene. I love her so much already, I wish nothing but happiness for her!

about a year ago

Fourth Episode: First Impressions I love the training montage! It kind of gets my head turning of what I can do (ADHD for ya), but once again, where did the subtitles go? If anyone has a translation of Ai's first song, I would love to have it, because Crunchyroll did me dirty again.

about a year ago

Third Episode: First Impressions SETSUNA!!!!! Also, DIVE my beloved. They gave her subtitles at least. Also, what's up with Karin Tzeentching in the back there??? That's a little odd, isn't it? I feel like she's gonna stab someone in the back...

about a year ago

Second Episode: First Impressions I'm not sure whether or not I find Kasumi annoying or not, though it's probably just her archetype. Also, where did the song subtitles go? Ayumu got subtitles, Setsuna got subtitles, where's Kasu's subtitles? I'm watching on Crunchyroll, so that might be a them issue, but if anyone has a translation of the Poppin' Up! song, I'd appreciate it if you could send it my way!!