118 posts match your search:
10 months ago
Hi, I'm a big fan of Love Live Since 2020, that's why I started cosplay.
I come here to represent Brazilian fans 🇧🇷
Se quiseres me acompanhar @tetesulista
about a year ago
its world book day and i may or may not be in full yohane cos at school rn... and totally not typing this in maths... and totally not asking 11-12 year old kids to sell their souls to me and i totally did not recruit 3 little demons... this all totally has not happened...
(oh and yes this acc has resurrected)
about a year ago
Idoltober prompt 19: Favorite Idol costume. It has to be Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM's costumes. I drew Sonic in Yoshiko's outfit from the song but with more of a vivid blue to match Sonic's color. Sonic looks cute, doesn't he?
2 years ago
Hi there! I don't post here (at all) but wanted to share my Dive Setsuna cosplay in honor of Tomori- at the beginning of the month I performed Chase in an Asian dance showcase at a local convention. I was super nervous, since it was my first time doing a solo on a proper stage- and being a tribute on top of that needed to be perfect. I last minute threw together the jacket, which I made myself and though slightly inaccurate I'm proud that I was able to have a full set to perform in.
Setsuna wasn't my original best girl, I hopped around a lot. I love every member of Nijigasaki- but in the last few months even before the announcement of Tomori's retirement Setsuna has grown on me, and I think my personality is similar to hers, as well as our love of Idols and I love her secret life "Hanna Montana" vibes. I'm sad to see Tomori go, but im so excited to see where Koko takes Setsuna next.
While the video of my performance isn't out yet, follow my Instagram CJ Rose Cosplay to check it out when I finally get it back from the con!
2 years ago
Happy Birthday, Leah!!! 💜💜💜
She has such a special place in my heart 🥺
2 years ago
did a leah cosplay for her birthday 🎂🎉
2 years ago
Hanazawa Sakura as Love Live OC!
2 years ago
heres a little collection of cosplays/art/silly things!! i love this girl so much.
ill forever continue to support and connect with you, rina!!!
3 years ago
happy birthday kotori!
i instantly feel in love with her watching the love live anime in 2014! forever my favorite collab was sanrio so i had to cosplay it!! have a happy birthday and eat lots of cheesecake! chun chun~ 🎂🐦
3 years ago
Finally! My Umi cosplay is finally done, I just had to make the second year vow to be finished, so here is a picture of the bow. I will be wearing the full cosplay at Kodachicon (it's a cosplay convention in Lund, Sweden) and I will show a picture of it the day I'm going to the convention! Have a nice day! :)
3 years ago
🎂 happy birthday to my forever best girl, ayumu uehara! 🎂
when pdp first announced i was so excited! when they dropped ayumu’s design and promo pv i was overjoyed- she was so cute and had a sweet voice! then i watched their first live. agupon was singing “yume e no ippo” and it’s hard to describe the feeling that overcame me. i started to tear up and felt so connected. her voice truly reached me and i knew i wanted to support ayumu and agupon! every new card and song i can’t help but feel so much joy! i relate so much to her character too when watching the niji anime and it’s happy to feel represented! her love, her fears, everything. i’m very grateful for ayumu and agupon truly!
i need to make a proper shrine for ayumu but i do at least have my cosplay photos and ita bag to share for now! sorry for the long post but thanks for those who read through it all! 🎀💗✌🏻
3 years ago
Ayumu Uehara,, it’s that time of the year again,, honestly I could write a book about how much this girl means to me, I wasn’t really into love live until they announced a new project and showed the silhouettes of the 9 new girls and I saw Ayumu’s in pink and went “yeah, her. She’s gonna be my best girl” all the way back in 2017 and here I am in 2022 still absolutely loving her with all my heart! She fully dragged me into idol hell and I haven’t looked back since- thanks to Ayumu I’ve managed to meet so many new friends, form a Nijigasaki dance group and grow as a person. I see a lot of my self in Ayumu which could be seen as quite silly to be honest but watching her grow really did help me find my own way in life- if this anxious girl could do all this then why couldn’t I? I’m so so grateful for love live creating such a relatable character (to me at least) and choosing the perfect va for her. Happy birthday Ayumu! I’ll be with you every step of the way until PDP is no more~