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1 post matches your search:
May 31, 2024 05:32:49 +0000 (UTC)


I have a question. Or I guess just a general wonder. It seems like SO MANY people seemed to have liked SIFAS so much better. But I can’t really understand why. Like I understand there was models and nice cards, but the rhythm game part itself seemed lacking to me. It never seemed challenging at all… So I’ve always been a bit confused. I guess it’s mainly people who just love the gacha part who praise it so highly? I’m not sure. I’m not trashing on it, I did have some fun on it, but nothing like when I played SIF, with 9 icons on the screen. I love when my fingers get to go brrrrrrrrr.

In other words, I haven’t even played Link Like or Puchiguru. But from the looks of them, they aren’t even rhythm games 😭 This company is just confusing the hell out of me I'm ngl. Now all we have are games that aren’t even rhythm games. THIS FANDOM IS ABOUT IDOLS AND MUSIC. PLEASE.