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Hello! Nozomi is my best girl so I decided to join her birthday party event. I wrote a lovemail/essay? for her and made 100 video edits for her birthday! The edits are on my account on instagram, @cybernozomi. I also have a hashtag, #100editsfornozomi, feel free to check it out- Anyways here is the lovemail! I put all my heart into writing it <3
9.6.20; Nozomi Tojo's birthday. Happy birthday to Nozomi Tojo, my favorite character of all time, the cutest girl in the whole universe, my baby, my wife, the loml <3 Nozomi, I love you so much! Nozomi is a character who I've absolutely loved and admired for almost five years now. When I first downloaded the game back in 2015, Nico and Kotori were my favorites (i mean like- i'm pretty sure everyone loved them at first lmao) but when I started watching the anime and Nozomi came on screen for like, 3 seconds I just. Fell in love with her. She instantly became my best girl even tho she didn't talk in that scene- and when I continued watching I started loving her even more! Every time she was on screen she was so cute and adorable, she's just a little spiritual baby who loves her friends and always supported Muse even before joining and gave them the legendary name! She was always there for her friends and really is the best friend anyone could ever have <3 I adore her motherly personality,, I've said this many times already but she's so adorable!! When I started playing again I chose Nozomi as my starter <3 I also love her 'mysterious' personality and her spiritual power is so adorable, chuunyu~ Because of Nozomi I'm also really interested in spiritual things as well and I hope one day I'll learn to read tarot cards! I think it's adorable how even tho she's supportive she teases her friends a lot and it's SO CUTE!! Washi washi suru yan~ And yes. Nozomi's episode is in my opinion the best episode out of all Love Live! and god I don't even know how many times I've rewatched it- no matter how many times I watch it I always start crying like a baby,, her character development is just amazing?? Her childhood isn't the saddest in Love Live!, but god it makes me cry- She was always alone and never had time to make friends because she moved so much. Her development from when she was supporting Muse from behind the scenes to joining them to her graduation and goodbye to Muse is so heartwarming,, Really all she wanted was friends and to do something special with them, and after all those years her wish finally came true, thanks to Muse ♡ Her friendship with Eli, Nico and the rest of Muse is something I really admire. And she, as a character overall is just amazing and perfect. Not only is her personality perfect, she's also the most beautiful character ever! (in my opinion of course) I love everything about her character design! Her hair color is so beautiful and I love the way it's styled, HER LITTLE TWINTAIILS!! I adore her alternate hairstyles too, she looks great in any hairstyle <3 Her eyes are so so beautiful too and they're SO SOFT LOOKING!! I could literally stare into her eyed for hours lmao- And the most precious thing ever...her smile. IF YOU DON'T THINK HER SMILE IS ADORABLE YOU'RE LYING- Just. Look at her. Her smile. Look at her adorable smile and tell me she isn't the cutest girl ever. That's right, you can't ^o^ She's,,, so beautiful and cute and AAHAHSHSV i'm so gay. She looks cute in every art made of her ever??? (except lewd ones, we don't stan those in this house!) Like,, she's SO beautiful in all SIF, SIFAS, SIFAC cards, Dengeki G scans, official art, in the anime...basically she's perfect in every way. Her 3d models in SIFAS and SIFAC are so cute too and I love watching her dance eheh! I'm so so glad I have a lot of her URs and other cards in SIF and I hope one day I'll have all of them! And...thank you so much Nozomi for coming home today. Words can't describe how happy I was when I saw the new birthday UR ♡ I'm so happy I have all of your birthday cards now,, AAHHHDSJSJ I'm gonna cry again--- can't say the same about all stars tho cough still don't have a single UR cough GIVE ME HER URS. I'm just. GAY FOR HER CARDS MA'AM- Guess what else I'm very gay for? HER VOICE. In my opinion Nozomi has the best voice in Muse, and also the best voice out of all of Love Live! I know a lot of people don't like her voice since it's quite high and all but in my opinion it's so adorable and fits her personality, appearance and overall just Nozomi herself really well! Her voice is so soft when she talks and she sounds so friendly, motherly and sweet?? Whenever I hear her voice I instantly just wanna cry and hug her :,) And her singing voice- help me i'm gay. SHE SOUNDS SO GOOD IN EVERY SONG! SHE'S LITERALLY A GODDESS! AN ANGEL! I love both her normal voice and her deeper voice so much! I can't wait to hear Nozo solo versions of A Song for You! You? You!!, Natte Shimatta and all new Muse songs we're gonna get AAAAAHDHJDKHD!!!!!!! i wonder how many hours i've spent listening to nozomi solo versions of songs...all i know is that way. too. much. Jk! You can never listen to Nozo too much. Hehe, I love you Nozomi <3 This is probably weird since Nozomi is a fictional character but,, she's always like, been there for me? Whenever I'm feeling sad I just look at pictures of her or my Nozo nesoberi and I become happy, sometimes not a lot but she always makes me at least a bit happier ♡ She's such a big comfort character for me! And ever since I got her nesoberi I've been happier? Since I can always hug her and cuddle with her and that makes me so happy,, god I don't even know how many times I've cried with her- NOZONESO SORRY YOU MUST BE STAINED WITH TEARS- I sleep with her every night (in a wholesome and cute way!! >:0) and take her with me everywhere, it's like she gives me strenght and happiness? I know that sounds weird but it's true, I really feel like Nozomi is always there for me and I can do anything when she's with me. I can't believe I've loved her for almost 5 years now,, she's made me so happy over the years and I couldn't be more grateful to know and love such a perfect character. AND I have her Snow Halation nesoberi rn and I hope to get all of them! Like I said before, Nozoneso makes me so so happy! Not only just her neso, but just...Nozomi herself makes me so happy. Just looking at her makes me so happy. Honestly I never thought I'd love a fictional character from some idol hell anime this much, or really any character at all, but uh- here we are. I'd do anything for Nozomi. I absolutely love every single part about her and I will never stop loving her no matter what happens! I seriously don't know what I would do without her,, Even if I one day grow tired of Love Live, I'm sure I'll still always love Nozomi Tojo and I'll never forget her and the memories I've made. I love you Nozomi Nozo Noz Nozobaby Nozomama Nontan Tojo <3 Nozomi Tojo, thank you for everything you've done. I hope you spent your birthday well with your friends, ate lots of yakiniku, cake and sweets (without caramel!), had fun and most importantly, had the best day ever! Happy Birthday Nozomi Tojo!