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3 years ago
I think I have to explain. I haven't had time to draw Umi, and I'm really sad about that because she...

I think I have to explain. I haven't had time to draw Umi, and I'm really sad about that because she is my absolute best girl of all time... but here is a picture of her on a poster I have.

I love you Umi, you shaped my interests and you made me happy. At first, I actually didn't think of you as my best girl. At first Rin was my best girl, and don't get me wrong, I still like Rin, she is just not my favorite character... you where the girl I could like without replicating you in my real life. You didn't make me try to be you the same was as Rin, and I am thankful for that, because I can like you, but I don't have to be you! You will forever be my best girl and I love you!