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3 years ago
Hi there! I thought for my first post I'd show off the most recent edit I had done for pride month!...

Hi there! I thought for my first post I'd show off the most recent edit I had done for pride month! I'm honestly pretty proud of this since it took me about a day, It might not be the best but that's because i just started doing card edits like a month ago and that was originally just putting a different girls head on another and changing colors. But enough about all that onto the edit.

The main image was "The closest (Mari Ohara card)" Riko’s hair... idk if it counts but i ended up using a few Tomodachi cards to help pull this off. if it doesn't count i'm sorry.

  • Round 50 score match SSR Riko (non idolized)
  • Round 20 Challenge festival UR Riko (non idolized) And for Kohaku Kagayaki, I'll probably do another post on who she is sometime. But her Bangs were done using "Now, Princess, Just Kidding! (Kanan Matsuura card)" The Hair near her back came from "Rush to the Meeting Place (Umi Sonoda card)" The Mouth "Let’s Have a Manga Break, Together! (Honoka Kousaka card)" and the Hair clips came from "A Cute Dream Wonderland (You Watanabe Card)"

everything else in the image par the background was edited from the original.

any comments, critics, questions i'm open too. for now i'll cya bellas later <3 Ciao! - Amber/Kohaku