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umi_sonoda123 avatar


Hi! I'm a artist and cosplayer and I absolutly adore love live! My best girls is Ren, Umi, Karin and Riko.

I hope you like my posts!!

(I'm Swedish so my english might not be the best).

2 years ago

Hi! I would like to share my favorite memory of LLSIF. The most special moment, is when I scouted for the first time! I liked the scouting on LLSIF than All Stars, and the feeling was just great!! I only played the game for a year or so, but it was very special to me nonetheless!!!!

3 years ago
Happy birthday Kotori!! You are my friends favorite girl, and I think you're a great character!!!

Happy birthday Kotori!! You are my friends favorite girl, and I think you're a great character!!!

3 years ago
Hello!! And happy pride!! I drew Karin, who is my nijigasaki best girl, in my pride colors! I hope...

Hello!! And happy pride!! I drew Karin, who is my nijigasaki best girl, in my pride colors! I hope everyone will have a chance to be represented and respected this year! And I want all of you out there who maybe don't get support and love, that I, and many else will support you!! So once again, HAPPY PRIDE!!!! 🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳⚧️

3 years ago
Happy birthday Nozomi!!! You are my 2nd best muse girl, and I have many reasons for that. If you...

Happy birthday Nozomi!!! You are my 2nd best muse girl, and I have many reasons for that. If you hadn't been there, muse would never had existed, you made Eli become a member to help muse become the best idol group. You supported them even before you joined them. And I can't wait to get to cosplay you again!!

3 years ago
Happy birthday You! You are Dutch a special character, even though you aren't one of my best girls,...

Happy birthday You! You are Dutch a special character, even though you aren't one of my best girls, you are still very special to me. I feel like Aqours never would have been without you. You helped Chika create Aqours even if that ment you couldn't swim train as much. You saw that Chika needed you, and that this was something that she was passionate about. You didn't see Chika as the normal monster Chika saw herself as, you saw Chika as a good friend who couldn't see how special she is. You didn't see her as a normal monster. There is so much to safely to you, and I can't write it all in this post. But I hope that you'll have a wonderful birthday!

3 years ago
Finally! My Umi cosplay is finally done, I just had to make the second year vow to be finished, so...

Finally! My Umi cosplay is finally done, I just had to make the second year vow to be finished, so here is a picture of the bow. I will be wearing the full cosplay at Kodachicon (it's a cosplay convention in Lund, Sweden) and I will show a picture of it the day I'm going to the convention! Have a nice day! :)

3 years ago
I think I have to explain. I haven't had time to draw Umi, and I'm really sad about that because she...

I think I have to explain. I haven't had time to draw Umi, and I'm really sad about that because she is my absolute best girl of all time... but here is a picture of her on a poster I have.

I love you Umi, you shaped my interests and you made me happy. At first, I actually didn't think of you as my best girl. At first Rin was my best girl, and don't get me wrong, I still like Rin, she is just not my favorite character... you where the girl I could like without replicating you in my real life. You didn't make me try to be you the same was as Rin, and I am thankful for that, because I can like you, but I don't have to be you! You will forever be my best girl and I love you!

3 years ago
So... I haven't been posting for a while because school started again and I just didn't have enough...

So... I haven't been posting for a while because school started again and I just didn't have enough time to post something. I ment to post for Lanzhus birthday, but I was just a little bit late... so I have just finished a drawing of myself, I know... it's not about love live, but I just feel like I should post something!

(By the way, I'm sorry if the lighting is a bit weird, I took the picture in my kitchen...)