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AstralBurn1234 avatar


Hello the name is Derek. Just love anything about Love Live!. Really enjoying traveling to Numazu and Odaiba for Love Live!.

Been enjoying all the lives that have been happening over the past two years now. Here are the ones I have seen so far live:

Nijigasaki: 2L (D1), 3L (D1), 4L (D1), Shuffle Fes (D1/2) DiverDiva (D1/2), Q4 (D1), AZUNA (D1), and R3 (D1)

Aqours: White Island (D1), AZA 1L (D1), GK 2L (D1), CYR 2L (D1), AZA 2L (D2), Dreamy Concert 2021 (D1/2), and 6L (Ocean - D1 & Sunny - D1/2)

Liella: 1L (All 22 Days) 2L (All 4 Days)

Collab: Countdown Live 2021->2022

I have watched all the lives that have been released so far for Aqours and Nijigasaki.