Community / Users list / wombo
1st Favorite idol
2nd Favorite idol
3rd Favorite idol
492 012 718
All Stars
Join date
March 23, 2020 06:12:50 +0000
Leaderboard position
Friend ID
492 012 718
All Stars
Japanese version
UR Hanayo Koizumi 「I'll Sing for You / Colorful Festival」 - Idolized
Open center
Open center
[Smile] Guest
UR Rin Hoshizora 「Over Here! Hurry Up! / After School Cat」 - Idolized
Open [smile] guest
Open [smile] guest
[Pure] Guest
UR Riko Sakurauchi 「Water Symphony / Royal Angel」 - Idolized
Open [pure] guest
Open [pure] guest
[Cool] Guest
UR Maki Nishikino 「Movie Date with Maki / Scarlet Royal」 - Idolized
Open [cool] guest
Open [cool] guest
[Elegant] Guest
UR Hanayo Koizumi 「I'll Sing for You / Colorful Festival」 - Idolized
Open [elegant] guest
Open [elegant] guest
[Natural] Guest
UR Kanan Matsuura 「Let's Finally Dive Together / Priestess of the Sea God」 - Idolized
Open [natural] guest
Open [natural] guest
[Active] Guest
UR Umi Sonoda 「Shot from the Heart / Blue Amor」 - Idolized
Open [active] guest
Open [active] guest
[No attribute] Guest
UR Hanayo Koizumi 「I'll Sing for You / Colorful Festival」 - Idolized
Open [no attribute] guest
Open [no attribute] guest
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