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137 posts match your search:
October 23, 2020 21:27:45 +0000 (UTC)

And would you look at that! You have arrived at day 23! Congratulations, have a badge. Hehe.

And would you look at that! You have arrived at day 23! Congratulations, have a badge. Hehe.

Prompt was dream UR.

So I made my own UR that it´s coming soon to SIFAS ON 20XX trust me I did this officially for Klab of course I did just ask them.

October 23, 2020 21:23:34 +0000 (UTC)

I would never skip days, check your calendar today is day 21 totally, I am not catching up on...

I would never skip days, check your calendar today is day 21 totally, I am not catching up on posts...Totally not.

I made this not only to congratulate Eli on her BD but because the hills are truly alive with the sound of music.

October 09, 2020 19:35:31 +0000 (UTC)

Day 9 and the prompt is animals and I decided. To do a furry Ai.

Day 9 and the prompt is animals and I decided. To do a furry Ai.

I think the hyena fits her very well, w that charming personality and such. It was an idea that came to me at 3 am.

Ah. Artist inspiration.

October 08, 2020 21:24:51 +0000 (UTC)

More catching up post. Day 6 was VAMPIRES. And of course, Shioriko is our gal for this. Maybe she...

More catching up post. Day 6 was VAMPIRES. And of course, Shioriko is our gal for this. Maybe she was forced to do this? Just maybe.

It was Kasumi's and Setsuna's idea.

(Also does this costume seem familiar to any of you idk man it looks like...Some blonde vampire kind of outfit.)

October 08, 2020 21:21:57 +0000 (UTC)

Just catching up w posts I missed publishing here! This was day 5, OTP! Nozonico needs to get more...

Just catching up w posts I missed publishing here! This was day 5, OTP! Nozonico needs to get more love y'all.

I'm all about caring sweetheart and gremlin. My favorite OTP troupe.