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I finally made the time to write my Love Live story
Also, I wrote this on my phone, so I couldn't add all the pics I wanted to add. I'll probably add once I go on my pc, so for now you have to content yourselves with my Maki cosplay
So, I started playing Love Live shortly after it got released worldwide 8 years ago (god, that was a long time ago) I started playing because one of my friends at the time was playing it and I thought it was cute and wanted to try out.
At the beginning, when choosing a girl to be my "main", I went for Uni, since we both like archery and I thought that was pretty neat!! I remember that back in the day I didn't know the difference between cards rarity and what to use to train cards and would basically use whatever I had at hand - until my friend explained to me how there were different rarities and that UR is a thing and I should cherish them And that's what I did! The first UR I got was the initial Maki one, so I was always with Maki on my main screen - thanks to that she became my bestest girl! I found her tsundere personality very endearing, since I kinda saw myself in her - I even went as far as cosplaying as her, and, right now, is the character I cosplay the most. I just feel so comfortable cosplaying her! I don't need to try very hard to stay in character, since I'm a bit of a tsundere myself, and I just love her soooo much - she's been everything to me!
Soon after, the anime started airing and I was so hyped to get to know the characters better!!
I remember that, when I started playing the game I thought that Rin was very annoying and not that cute, but all that changed with her special episode I cried so much during it
I got to know Rin better and I saw so much of myself on her - it was the first time I ever felt such a deep connection with an anime character Maki is still my best girl though
I was very sad when the series ended. I cried so much during the movie - specially when Bokura wa Hitotsu no Hikari started playing. Even now, whenever I hear the music my feelings start overflowing...
Unfortunately, I didn't get as invested in Aquors as I did with Muse - after they separated, I kinda started drifting slowly away from Love Live i still cosplayed though , but that's why I'm super excited now with All Stars here!! My babes are back and they are better than never and I just can't wait to read more stories of them together! Maybe with all this hype, I'll start paying more attention to Aquors and the PDP girls
So, that was basically my story. I've been in this community for a while now, and even though there were times I wasn't very invested, it somehow always pushed me back in, and I couldn't be more happier!

I thought I should finally introduce myself! I'm Lucinda and my Love Live story started about 4 years ago. I had seen it around as it was when Sunshine was airing but my first major Love Live experience was going to a convention that was pretty much Love Live central. I saw my first dance cover group up on stage, and even though I knew nothing about the songs or characters, I knew that I wanted to be a part of a community like that! That night I went home and downloaded the mobile game and also binge-watched all of the first season :D
By the same convention the next year I was performing Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare as Yohane and it was an amazing experience. Unfortunately it was a one off group and I really wanted to join a permanent one. I was finally able to do so later that year, funnily enough on the same day I also saw my first delayed viewing- Happy Party Train. Ever since then I've enjoyed working with my group PastelPop so much! (You should check us out at @pastelpoplive on insta btw~)!
Love Live has changed my life so much. I've met new friends and gained a lot more confidence to do things I would usually never even consider (like dancing on stage for one!) It's made me branch out into different art styles, focus more on my other hobbies like singing too, and created a fun way to keep active.
That's my general Love Live story. There's a lot more but it's 3am currently T-T I'll add that my best girls (currently) are Hanamaru, Emma, Eli and Honoka and I'm a All Stars screenshot fanatic!
If you read this far- thanks! I'm going to go play All Stars now! <3

My LoveLive! Story was started back in September 2017. I was watching random anime videos on youtube, and then suddenly You Watanabe appears as youtube thumbnail from my favorite channel. It was a QnA video, and somebody asked: "What is your favorite anime?" Then they said, it was LoveLive! and LoveLive! Sunshine. As a newbie anime fan (Only have watched: SAO, K-on, and Angel Beats) so I added it to my anime watchlist.
I watch LoveLive! Sunshine first. I was very confused with the story back then. So I decided to rewatch it after I finished my pre-final test (I was in 3rd grade in Middle school). After two months, I realized I should watch Love Live! first. And then I become addicted to LoveLive!
Why I choose Yohane and Shizuku as my best girl? Yohane's personality is the same as mine. Her voice in her solo song "In This Unstable World" was amazed me. While Shizuku has taken my heart because of her song, "Anata No Risou No Heroine." The lyrics are touched my heart. And I loved her character, it was very cute.
That's it from me, and enjoy the wallpaper I made when I was bored.
What's My Love Live! Story?
My Love Live! Story began in the summer of 2015. I was introduced to Snow Halation's PV simply because I was told I'd like the winter theme. I ended up falling in absolute love, needing to know more about the song/dance I had just finished watching. It was so serene and the song was emotional- the choreography reflected that perfectly so it carried the emotion til the end of the song. I needed to know more!
That's when I watched the anime of it's entirety. μ's seemed like a bunch of girls I wish I knew in real life. They have a chemistry that I adore to this day. Eventually I found myself singing the OP/EDs of the anime and realized "wow, I'm so into this"! I decided not to pick a favourite until I finished watching the anime, because each girl is so unique I wanted them to have decent chances of standing out.
At the end, and mostly because of her episode in season two, Nozomi became my best girl. I reflected on how similar we both are in terms of being a supporting role rather than a leader- and this being okay because we love our friends so much we want to see them grow and lead. Nozomi contributing behind the scenes for μ's stuck out to me because she named the group, and because of one contribution she made- that changed the franchise forever. She really is an example of how one person can make a huge difference. Of course, her past of not being able to maintain friendships (due to her parents moving) and coping with the loneliness, learning to keep to herself, struck a cord hard. This is just some things I saw about Nozomi in the anime alone that made me really like her. She is written in such a way that makes her very realistic, and that sense of realism makes me feel as if I can look up to her. Nozomi became my best girl, my number one girl ever, and I was determined to keep it that way~ I truly love Nozomi so much that I try my best to adore her at least in one way from all of Love Live!'s different medias (whether it be merchandise, music, the anime, manga, etc).
My goodness, I had thought it ended there. I thought that I should read the manga, and continue on as I would since I finished the anime and listened to what I thought were all the songs. I was wrong. I had Googled Nozomi to browse some fanart of her and was amazed by how some of the "fanart" looked so closely to official images. That's when I clicked on the link and discovered Schoolidolu (Sukutomo / School Idol Tomodachi). I was extremely confused. Attributes? Cards? Where did all of this come from? That's how I learned there was a game! I've been hooked ever since~
School Idol Tomodachi was a new chapter for me, and definitely is a big part of my story. In fact, I wouldn't be in this fandom without it. After discovering it, I found the community. There were ACTUAL people talking about the franchise! I didn't feel like I was the only person into Love Live! anymore! I was absolutely thrilled. I thought the first thing I should do is make some friends (which eventually took time as I felt very shy to contribute). I was content, because at the very least I had a place to track my game progress exactly how I wished.
Eventually, I asked about Discord and other social media outlets for Love Live!, and was directed into one. I made friends, and it was my first Discord server that I ever joined. It has site users in it so I was able to chat about Sukutomo, follow friends, talk about the game here and there, and so on~ I was creating friends that I had no idea would impact how I felt about Love Live! in the long run. The friendships, relationships, and love I've seen Love Live! brew within the community made me want to contribute to that positive effect. I loved it so much, I wanted to give back.
And here I am today! I joined many Love Live! centric groups, volunteered my time to some, and eventually began to make it a habit. Helping out in various communities within the franchise has helped me be able to tone my social skills, learn to handle new situations, work in a team setting and contribute valuable thoughts and ideas back to everyone who gave me so much (whether they knew it or not). Today I offer most of my spare time giving back to the Love Live! fanbase that it's become a reason I can enjoy my day sometimes. Seeing everyone so happy for whatever reason, feeling as if they have a voice that can be heard, the overall sense that loving this franchise to bits is acceptable- speaks out so much. Everyone truly matters and this franchise wouldn't be as impressive as it is without the fans carrying it so far with their passion.
Idol Story is a new chapter for my Love Live! Story, and I'm happy to embark on it with you all.
Decided to join this so uhh
Hi i'm Megan or Maka, I started Love Live back in early November of 2015 (I wanna say it was like specifically the 7th?). NGL I think it was recommended to me cuz I downloaded fnaf?? Anyways I downloaded this cute anime game cuz I'm a pro gamer and ever since then I've been stuck in this hell.
My best Muse girl is Kotori and she stole my heart from day 1. My dream Kotori card is wedding and the damn card avoids me like I'm a disease so press F. A vivid memory I have from this time was playing the angel Nico nurse event til the wee hours of the morning on Xmas eve. Also managed to get the XMAS tree event Maki on this account.
Another memory of this account was soloing Spring Viewing Pana and legit screaming (my first UR ever ily baby) I also went so hardcore for the easter event Kotori I played for 13 hours straight until I got her idolized (never again) Also spent 50 bucks trying to get victorian Koto and she didn't come home... Anyways I lost this account, but not upset cuz it was EN and I don't play EN anymore
MY JP ACC THO HOOOO BOIIII k I started this exactly a week before Arabian Kotori graced the world so hmmm so the 22ndish of march started my true descent to hell. The only time I've ever missed logging in to this account in the past like 3 and a half years was when I went on vacation in march this past year and missed the April fools babies... Now having this account for over 3 years I have too many memories. For one my first UR was Pool Eli, and my First ever Double UR pull was Pool Maru and Yukata Mari. (that video still exists on my youtube, shameless plug?) This account has what... 56 URs, 13 idolized by copy, 2 idolized by seal, and 3 lims. OFC I didn't get here without whaling hahahaha.... On this damn game I've spent well over 1300 dollars. Something I'm not proud of but.... Hey, I have cute idols now??
rewind a bit here but...
When Aqours was first annouced I was one of those kids who was like "Ummm ewww??" But now Dia Kurosawa owns my whole ass. Fun fact my best girl went from Mari-You-Kanan-Mari-Dia, Kanan was only best girl for a day tho. Now Dia reigns supreme (tho Mari and You sometimes do sneak attacks and try to take the top spot)
I also remember when Muse's little devil came out and everyone POPPED OFF. I'm pretty sure when Little Devil came out I actively started following Blake (kurrosuccwa) and thats when I knew I wasn't gonna escape. Shizuku was actually best N girl before PDP happened so like, True stan right here. No i'm kidding lol plz don't start a fight hhhh, but I was overjoyed when Shizuku was chosen for pdp
I watched the anime and I am one of the few people who thinks the Muse anime is superior (I just felt more connected to my girls, plus subunit episode) Also still can't make it through a hard song on AllStars so like that's cool. I own alot of merch, mainly dia (sorry Kotori)
About 850 bucks in total, most would think this is a flex but I think it just represents my poor life choices cuz thats only like 25ish items, but hey hhhh I have the azalea Dia neso? Is that something to be proud of. I also cosplayed from LL (woah imagine that)
Did the dreaded white day, did candy maid, did fan favorite china dress, filmed a PV. and Now I hate cosplaying from Love Live (watch my next cosplay be from love live)
Anyways Love Live has been a huge part of my life and made me who I am today, and this is my long ass story (I feel like I just wrote a damn fanfiction, did my introduction turn into a fanfiction?)
Also Calsarra said she liked my happy party train dia keychain was cute
also someone said hi to Ainya for me which is the biggest accomplishment I will ever achieve in life.

hi! this is my first post here but i really felt like the "what's your love live story?" event was a perfect place to jump off from! it all started about 2 years ago. i wasn't going through the best time, with failing grades and bullying in school, so i really needed something else to get invested into. i had heard a decent amount about love live over the years, since i spent time in anime and rhythm game communities, so i went on the google play store and downloaded school idol festival. i don't want to make this all about ruby, but... i immediately fell in love with her character. she was the starting girl i picked in game, and just from reading the stories and seeing what she said on the home screen she helped me stay connected to the world of love live. i didn't know how to do much (it was my first gacha game of any sort), but reading the aqours stories and playing the songs really made me happy and gave me something good to do when my life wasn't too good. nowadays, i have to say... i'm a BIT addicted. my comfort from sif led to me buying a ruby nesoberi, and then some love live rubber straps, and them more nesoberis... and at this point i have a pretty decent you and ruby ita bag, a hanayo bag in progress, and uh... 13 nesoberis. yeah... but they all make me so happy, and talking to other people who also love love live makes me really happy! so i owe a lot to these girls, even if it isn't as much as some do. i'm truly grateful that i found them :) i added a picture of one of my ruby nesos that i took at a cat cafe! i hope you like it :)

This is probably my first and maybe last post who knows. I'll just use it as an introduction about myself. Hey my name is jrlk15/div3ci (you can just choose how you want to call me) I've been in and out of the fandom for a while but I'm sure I'm dedicated to this now. The inky reason why I'm here now is because of the nijigasaki girls. They are my favorite out of the three and it's impossible to decide which is my favorite girl because they are all such good characters. I started getting into love live when I first found it on crunchyroll around 4-5 years ago and knew about the multitude of things said about love live. I was instantly hooked and drug down into the hell when I used to watch anime a lot. A whole lot has happened before I temporarily left for the first time. I still loved the girls and songs but the community was the killer. Now I'm back and ready to try to interact with the community and spread positivity everywhere to all fans so nobody has to experience toxicity in this great community now.
Oh, Love Live! where and who would I be without you? I was introduced to Muse as they were disbanded back around 2013/2014? When I saw my younger cousin playing a game on her phone and the music reminded me of VOCALOID (please keep in mind I was like... 13 at the time LOL). She explained to me what the game, characters, and story was and soon enough I was hooked. Meeting and interacting with all of the characters was a dream to me and kept me some form of company on some pretty dark times.
I was excited to meet AQUORS more than Muse because I could grow with them from the beginning. Low and behold I realized a certain girl had the EXACT same birthday as me -- Watanabe You! I knew I had to make her my best girl and she didn't make it too difficult for me to fall head over heels for her! I have been cosplaying her and decorating my shrine and ita bags for her for about 2 to 3 years now and I don't plan to stop anytime soon.
Now, with All Stars I am still in a little bit of a hazes since I understand 0 Japanese but I am so excited to meet our girls on a translated server! Also, I may not know ton, but Ayumu is very cute, has a wonderful voice, and is also best girl uwu

Hi everyone! I am a normal otaku with not too much special about me. However, I love this franchise dearly. I first watch Love Live after seeing the sheer amount of merch at the 2017 Anime Expo. My reasoning was "If the series is this popular, there has to be a reason, right?" Luckily, I was not disappointed, and both School idol project and Sunshine turned out to be one of my favorite anime. While I usually watch a series and then move on, the characters of µ's and Aqours intrigued me. I wanted to spend more time with them, and luckily for me, there was tons of other media beside the anime to get into. Thus begin my inevitable descent into idol hell.
Or more like idol heaven. Through Love Live, I have been able to connect with so many people, both in person and on sites like this one. I just love being able to be with a group of people that all share the same passion. Even if we sometimes get into arguments over our best girls, it just shows how dedicated we are! Love Live has inspired my outlook and approach to life. Rather than just trying to slug through classes doing the minimal amount, I realized I should be trying harder in order to make the most of the experience (and to get into a better college to get a better job to buy more merch). What's the point of wasting time when you could be having fun? Love Live, and especially Chika and Honoka, have taught me never to give up even when it seems there is no way through. The way the two leaders both touched the rest of the members and continued to reach for their dream is so inspiring to me! I hope to follow in their footsteps once I figure out what I want to do with my life. If I am ever feeling down, an episode or story or radio drama or diary chapter can always lift my spirits.
In terms of giving back to the angels that have blessed me, I have been trying to learn to speak Japanese and to draw. It is pretty hard, but hopefully I will be able to post a few things once I improve! I have also proudly taken part of both Anime Expo Rainbows (2018 and 2019), and am keeping my fingers crossed to do it again next summer! Until then, I will have fun exploring the new game and the fandom with everyone else! Thank you for your time!
Hello everyone! I saw people introducing themselves, so I decided to do the same, nice to meet you! A few of you might know me from SukuTomo, but i never really introduced myself there so this is new for me!
My name is Mikan and I'm a 19-year old german-spanish boy from Brandenburg in Germany. I'm currently studying civil engineering at a University in Dresden and I really enjoy maths as well as drawing. Other than that, my hobbies include Anime and cartoons, playing the saxophone, photography, video/mobile games and caring for my 4 guinea pigs. I'm currently also secretly planning to write fanfiction in the future, but atm I'm too anxious to do that just yet.
There's a ton of stuff i'm into, so here is a very condensed list!
I first got into LL in march of 2015. I started watching the muse anime and was happy to hear that there was a phone game too, so I installed that about three weeks later. My phone was extremely tiny though (about 3.7 inches), so I had a lot of trouble with all the buttons ingame.. My best girl at that time was Hanayo, but it changed around a lot in the early days, I was also really fond of Umi and Nico. My first memories of the game are how I solo'd Maki's setsubun event card, my first 4 SRs where three of them were tricolor Nicos (Fairytale, Maid and NewYear) and my first UR, Mermaid Nozomi. I didn't really know what URs were back then and just didn't realize that she was a UR for like a month...
I played for about a year (though I could only play hard, expert seemed to much of a challenge back then) and then I went to study abroad and kinda forgot about the game. One day, a preview of the Aqours Haregi-cards appeared on my dashboard and I remembered that game. I re-installed (on a bigger phone this time!!!) and started clearing my first experts and master songs. I also started a JP-account and fell in Love with Kanan after seeing her Job-UR! Shortly after, I also watched the Aqours anime and got really invested in Riko and Ruby too, so now these three are best three Aqours girls. For Muse, I rediscovered my Love for Hanayo as well as Nico and was surprised to find out that Honoka was approaching the top three as well!
On december 4th, 2017 I sadly lost my EN account to transfer issues. I tried getting it back but there were some problems with KLAB, so I gave up and JP became my only account. Today, I'm a glad owner of a Rank 393 Account with close to 60 URs, teams that can get into Top2000 in score ranking as well as tons of cards of my best girls! (For Riko, I'm only missing two SRs and 1 SSR for completion, though there are still a few URs I need).
I started SIFAS on launch day and currently run a 6 UR -3 SR-team. My main cards are Maki, Initial Yoshiko and Eli and I'm able to S-Rank almost all the hard songs. My current goal is to finally get Kanans and Rubys Initial UR, I only have Riko so far.
Thanks for reading and hello to you! I'm super introverted and usually by myself, so I always appreciate people reaching out to me, I have not made any friends I talk to on the internet since about 2015 ^^"

Love Live! means a lot to me since when I first knew about it...actually I started to get interested and joined the fandom on Love Live! back in 2015 and the first school idol I've known was Umi since I saw a post on my facebook about love live,,so what I did was I just ignored it because back then I have different interests and my animes was only magical girls since I love magical girls, and that one week that love live was raiding my feed, and actually I got a very much interested because of the design of the clothes, cuteness of the characters and most importantly because of friendship, love, and talent! and I also gained the massive love for school idols. And I started to search about Umi and love live, BUT! Umi wasn't my first best girl, it was Nico since I firstly searched the school idol's names and red a lot of information about them including facts and other stuff, and I continuously got addicted on love live and started watching half of the anime but I didn't much finished all of it since of some matters and the rest..I got into the game and of course I was really excited to play the game and setted Nico as my Main Idol, and I said to myself...I would just read the normal stories of μ's in the game instead since I don't have time because of issues. Then as I grow older, my whole life changed because of love live, everyday I would be very excited to play events when I go home from school and loving love live as a whole, and also love live contributed a lot in my life since then, and I was really proud of having time to get to know love live, which its the thing that will make me a better and a much more confident person and everyday I am very inspired to do outfit making because of love live as well. As love live sunshine came, I have my best girl Ruby, and the anime was quite the best since I finished watching it, over all, love live sip and sunshine gave me a lot of life lessons through my steps in life and thought me how to value my friends because they are very important and they also gave me the huge inspiration in both fashion designing and various arts and I will never ever regret love live in my life since its a massive part of me..and even if I'm not that productive to buy merchandise, I would always put love live in my heart. I, thank love live and its creators for making me for who I am today! ~ Btw here is a little artwork of mine of Ruby! <3
I’m a tiny bit late and I’m bad with words but here we go.
My Love Live journey starts January 11th of 2016. At the time I was mostly into sports anime and otome games; as was my sister so when she found someone doing a genderbent voiced ask blog for one of our favorite otome games we both wanted to join in! We both got in so we were in contact with the person running it, one of my now best friends. When me and him were talking once he mentioned he was playing Love Live! Which I had heard of but never fully knew what it was, so I asked him. I downloaded the game that same day!
I picked Kotori as my starter because she was a Virgo like me! Reading the story I immediately loved Rin, she’s been my best girl since day 1 ♥︎
I don’t really remember exactly when but I watched the muse anime aswell and eventually found out about Aqours. At first I.. really didn’t like them! But I quickly realized how childish I was and decided I was excited for them to happen! Riko was my best girl at first but then it became Ruby after researching them more. I downloaded the JP server around this time aswell. Then, the anime came. I watched it and loved Ruby with every fiber of my being.
However.. something happened..
I was listening to Mirai Ticket’s short version on loop cause I was super excited for it to come out! And every time it got to Chika’s “Minna! Issho ni! Kagayako!!” I.. started having this weird feeling.. flashbacks to Chika in the anime. My mind went blank. I stopped everything I was doing. ‘Is Chika my best girl? But I didn’t feel this way till now!’
So I rewatched the anime. Paying close attention to Chika.
She.. was beautiful.. I was so entranced.. she was everything I ever wanted to be. To answer my own question, yes, Chika is your best girl.
PDP is announced. I’m so excited! Once all the girls were released Ayumu was my favorite to start! It stayed that way for awhile. And then.. gremlin Kasumi said “:)” and she became my best girl. I actually.. really didn’t like Kasumi at first.. how stupid was I?
And then.. Nico Yazawa.. she had been my second best girl for awhile but.. something felt weird.. I loved her just as much as Rin..I just didn’t want to admit it. Early 2019 I accepted her finally and I’ve been suffer- I mean enjoying having 4 best girls since!
I also met basically all of my best friends through Love Live or idols in general! But it’s all thanks to Love Live that I got into any other idols to begin with!
Thank you Love Live for introducing me to so many series I love to this day. If it weren’t for you I’d still be so lonely, shy, and cast out. You opened my mind and my heart. I’m forever grateful to you.