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5 years ago
I already have 3 idolized cards! I love that the three of them are wearing pink too xd

I already have 3 idolized cards! I love that the three of them are wearing pink too xd

5 years ago


5 years ago
Gooosshhh look at how cute Maki is!! `   ﹏<  ′

Gooosshhh look at how cute Maki is!! `(>﹏<)′ I love her so much, she's my favorit animated character of all time (closely followed by Kanan. xD)! ❤

5 years ago
**I hope no one gets offended by this sketch !!**

I hope no one gets offended by this sketch !!

I'm drawing Hanayo in this position, but don't know which outfit to choose ,,, I'll sketch out her hans after choosing the outfit.

If you got any ideas, please let me know hehe

5 years ago

How I got into Love Live!!

In 2015, an online friend of mine had started playing LLSIF, and she would send a lot of screenshots whenever she got a new N girl or idolized one, and I thought they were really pretty and eventually decided to try it out for myself! (Yes, N girls, not even URs)

Umi was my starter, and at the beginning I found some songs annoying, but I got addicted and they grew on me! I watched the anime and started watching Sunshine while it was still airing, and really began to love the franchise!

I joined a Love Live group on Facebook for Portuguese fans and met really good people, and the one who eventually became my boyfriend, so Love Live had a really big impact in my life!

Because of Love Live I did a lot of fun stuff!:

  • We had a really small event for Portuguese fans, who grew up to be close friends!
  • I learned Aishiteru Banzai and parts of other LL songs on the piano
  • Last year I made a scouting box for a con so that people could do a solo yolo image
  • Discovered characters who I can really relate to and who mean a lot to me (Umi and Dia, looking at you!) ...

And right now I'm thinking of starting to take pictures of my neso plushies at different places!


Thank you, Love Live!

5 years ago

hi! my name is emy but people usually call me kero! i've been into love live since oct. 2014, and it's impacted my life tremendously. i even decorated my high school graduation cap with μ's!


i was introduced to the series by seeing a screenshot a friend had posted on twitter. i was just immediately enamoured by how cute everyone was! i downloaded the game for myself, and ended up binging the entire anime (which didn't include sunshine at the time) over the course of two days. i had no idea just how much these girls were going to mean to me.

the first even i ever participated in was for rainy day rin, even though i had no idea i was actually participating! the first event card i ever got was ghost maki, and i was up till 3 am tiering for her, but i just barely missed the cutoff! my first UR was fairytale hanayo, and i still have her to this day.

i begged my mom to take me to a movie screening, but it didn't work out. watching it online later, i bawled my eyes out. i still do whenever i rewatch it! i was lucky enough, however, to go to the NY live viewing of aqours' first live, and i cried then, too.

it's been five years since these i met these girls, but i can't imagine my life without them. i never would have realized that i want to be just like them... a dazzling idol. it may sound a bit childish, but nothing would make me happier!

i'm currently working on my own idol franchise, tenatively named iDOL.NET. it's premise is that anyone can be an idol, regardless of their abilities or background. i think it has a lot of promise and i'm really really excited to show off just how much i have planned for this journey!


i'm coding the website, gameplay aspects, and even designing the graphics and possibly doing the artwork all on my own right now... but i'm having a ton of fun and i can't wait to have more to show off! i especially can't wait to open up registration, because i'm planning on having it be extremely accessible. that means that anyone who registers themselves as an idol or with an idol OC has a chance to be featured in an event, story, or official artwork! it's not going to just be music idols, either, i'm thinking visual and acting idols should be included too!

i wouldn't have found this passion without these girls. i wouldn't be as happy as i am without them. i want nothing more than to give that same happiness and passion back to others with this project.

i'll be posting lots of updates about it on the twitter, and pretty soon i'll be opening up the discord server! if i gain enough traction, i'd also love to open up pre-registration and a patreon, and even bring on other people to help with development!

thank you so much for reading, i apologize if it's a bit all over the place, i get super emotional over these girls 😅. i hope you'll continue to support me! ファイトだよ!

xoxo kero 🐸

5 years ago

Hello, I'm Silent. I've only been a Love Live! fan since August of this year but It instantly became one of my favorite franchises.

Hanayo is my best girl. I think it's because she reminds me of myself. I have brown hair, glasses, and I'm really shy. Also, I think she's adorable.

Anyway, I hope I can fit in with the rest of the community and have a good time.

5 years ago
Unlocked Riko's beautiful angel outfit! Who else is excited for the cheaper outfit unlocks coming...

Unlocked Riko's beautiful angel outfit! Who else is excited for the cheaper outfit unlocks coming soon?

5 years ago
Heres all the alter Love Live figures I have on display at the moment. Kotori and Umi are still my...

Heres all the alter Love Live figures I have on display at the moment. Kotori and Umi are still my favorite. I can not wait for Yoshiko and the white dress set comming out 🥰

5 years ago

hi, i'm niko and i'm going to share my love live story!

let me preface this by saying, love live has been such an important part of my life for almost four years now and i cannot state how much i love it in words but i will absolutely try my best!

love live came into my life at my lowest point. i won't go into much detail here, because i don't want to darken the mood but i will say, it has been an endless source of motivation to keep living and try and grasp my dreams.

when i discovered love live, i also discovered the idol genre as a whole and that, as well, has helped me so much.

picture it, late 2016, right after the sunshine announcement. this is when i got into love live. i saw the game on the app store and it immediately took my fancy. the art style was adorable, the music, from what i'd heard at the point, was good and i absolutely adored rhythm games. i installed it, not thinking much of it at the time, and started playing. i was quickly confused, after starting the main story, about how these girls met and how their dynamic worked so i looked it up and, to my amazement, there was a show!

it didn't take me long to get through the first season and quickly the second and then the movie. i was entranced by the music and the animation. when they didn't win love live at the end of season one, i cried, a lot. when they finally won, i was over the moon and i can't even think about the movie without sobbing, it was such a beautiful ending but i missed them so much. i, again, quickly found out that the sunshine anime has been announced and i cried tears of happiness. these girls, these anime girls, quickly became a huge special interest.

honoka, so motivated and such a good leader. kotori, a brilliant designer and such a joy to watch. umi, so stoic and strong but overcame her fears and became a great idol. rin, so full of infectious energy. maki, my inspiration to pick up piano again. nico, she appeared so mean but she really cares for her friends. eli, she motivated me to run for student council and establish a name for myself at school and i did. nozomi, ever since i saw her do it on the show i've wanted to pick up tarot card reading.

and of course, my one and only favourite idol, lovely hanayo. her passion towards researching and being an idol inspired me to do all i could to change my situation. be in a situation where i felt safe and i did. it's so surreal that if i hadn't watched love live, i probably wouldn't be here to type this. i've always wished i could've thanked her, but i couldn't and so i decided that i would keep going as my thank you to her.

when sunshine started airing i was on the edge of my seat every week to find out what was in store for aqours! there was such a different feel to sunshine but i loved every minute of it. i was so distraught when the first season ended, i felt so empty. but still i fought on. "faighto dayo!" i would repeat like a mantra and when season 2 came out, i was so so so excited and when water blue new world was preformed, i got chills. the costumes, the music, the animation, everything has improved so much since Bokura no Live Kimi to no Life and i felt such a rush of happiness. i'm going to tell you something that i haven't told anyone. i am too afraid to watch the movie. i am afraid sunshine will slip through my grasp and i'll be waiting for more with that emptiness again.

for, chika, who never gave up despite the odds. you, who showed me that i should speak up if i'm afraid. riko, who, once again, got me to try my best in piano. ruby, who taught me it's ok to ask for help. yoshiko, who helped me be more open about my interests. hanamaru, who showed that the underdog will get their day. mari, that being yourself is important and, dia, who showed that sometimes you don't need to be an open book.

and of course, kanan, my best girl! she was incredibly motivated but was realistic about it and she was so strong! one day, i too, want to be able to lift someone!

and finally, nijigasaki high school idol club.

i was ecstatic when it was announced that we would be getting another group! it felt like order had been restored again! hearing about the development, being able to help pick the subunits and the names for the subunits (please, i am begging you give us SoLuna back). i am still learning more and more about the new girls but it's safe to say that my favorites are karin and kasumi!

that's pretty much all i have to say about love live and now, to tie it all off, i'm going to put here a picture of my hanayo collection, it may be small but i love every single item in it!
