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April 19, 2020 18:11:07 +0000 (UTC)


In the beginning, it was because she was a redhead. Then, because she was somewhat a tsundere. That's how I first started liking Maki. When I first started playing sif back in 2015, she was my chosen partner for those reasons. Soon after, I watched the anime and that's when I really fell in love with her. Not because of her looks nor her hot-and-cold demeanor but because of what she taught me. Since a very young age, her future was already decided for her: to inherit her father's hospital and pursue a carrier in the medical field. It wasn't something she had decided for herself but that's all she knew. Everything changed when she met Honoka and the rest of μ's, however. With them, she learned about things she wanted to do and got the courage to step outside of her bubble and explore new things. As I saw her character develop on both the anime and the game, it gave me strength too. My dad also had put on my shoulders his own desires and dreams and, as naive as I was, I just obeyed. But when I saw Maki reaching out to her friends and joining μ's, I felt like I could follow my dreams as well. And that's exactly what I did. I made my decisions and I stand by them. Sometimes, life is still hard and I get stuck not knowing what to do next but, when that happens, playing sif, and now sifas as well, calms me down. Looking at Maki reminds me of all I have already accomplished and everything I still want to do.

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Today is Maki's birthday so I want to celebrate it and show her all the love she has given me too. I don't own all that much merch, unfortunately. These were both a gift from my best friend (which makes them all the more special to me). I have them hanging up on my wall right in front of my bed so they're the first things I see when I wake up.


So instead, I'm gonna rambled a little bit more about my memories of her~ When I got into sif for real, the first time I ever tiered on an event was for Soldier Maki. I still remember how much of a bloodbath that event was ahaha~ I was able to successfully tier and that card was one of my most treasured cards ever. I remember when Magician Maki rolled into EN! I barely had gems to scout for her so, for the first time, I bought gems. Even so, she didn't come home that time. I was frustrated and cried a ton... A few months later, a Bibi box showed up and I had quite a few gems at that moment so I figured "Why not" and oh boy!!!!! I scouted my favorite Maki UR, Mermaid Maki!! I was on my way home on the train when this happened and I screamed so loud ahaha~ Afterwards, I was able to get Circus and Baseball Maki too and with that, I had tricolor Maki URs.

I don't own that account anymore. For personal reasons, I got rid of it. But the memories remain. I stopped playing sif for a few months.

I now have a new account, a F2P one, at that. But look at this.... Look at how much she has blessed me again! ;;


Thanks to this year's celebration, I was able to get my other all time favorite Maki SR: Ghost Maki.


I got this year's lim UR on the first pull~


I already had last year's from last year's box~


But I didn't have the opportunity to scout for the 1st one (since that was around the time I had stopped playing the game). So this was my chance to get her. She worked me to the bone! Had to clear the entire box for her but here she is~


This still doesn't feel enough to celebrate her so I also prepared these 2 wallpapers~



I think I've rambled enough now so, last but not least, happy birthday Maki. I love you <3