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December 06, 2020 03:24:03 +0000 (UTC)


30 Days of Love Live! Challenge

Day 30: Thoughts on Superstar/Liella?

Not Impressed

I'm so unimpressed that I'm not going to go out of the way to find a picture. Keep in mind, this isn't because I can't accept the newest part of the series or anything like that. I never complained about Nijigaku at all, in fact I really like Nijigaku. Aqours tried to mimic the members of µ's a little too much, which resulted in not enough character variety. Nijigaku is a genuine breath or fresh air. Even before the anime, or All-Stars, I thought that they looked interesting. Liella? Not even close. The design seems really bland, and they only have five members? Maybe my opinion will change as time goes on, but man they got some work to do. I really wish Nijigaku received the full treatment like Superstar probably will.