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April 01, 2021 11:54:23 +0000 (UTC)


Dear Nanaka Suwa/Suwawa,

I’m happy to be writing this letter to you, you’re one of my favorite Aqours seiyuus. After watching Sunshine, Kanan became my favorite Aqours girl by how athletic she is and her love of hugs. You were the perfect seiyuu to give Kanan her cute voice and warm personality. You became my favorite too because you showed your hard work and improvement with your singing throughout the years, from Happy Party Train to Motto Ne, your singing kept getting better. Your interactions with Aqours is sweet with how you mess around or be pouty with them, or show lots of kindness towards them. Keep improving as a seiyuu, but also relax when necessary. I’m excited to see how much better you’ve become!

Sincerely, Steven