Games / All Stars / Cards list / SR Ayumu Uehara 「This Is to Share with You! / 🎵 Say Good-Bye Namida」

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Level 1*

Level 60*

Let's Walk Together
Reduce Stamina damage by 7% for 10 Notes.
Increase base Stamina by 2%.
Lower Damage
Reduce Stamina damage by 30% for 1 Note(s).
Condition: Activates on Strategy Switch up to 2 time(s), 100% chance
条件:作戦変更時に2回だけ発動 確率:100%
Made by Storm_The_NB
Made by Storm_The_NB
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Added by db0
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's title?
- This Is to Share with You!
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's song?
- Say Good-Bye Namida
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's rarity?
- Super rare
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's attribute?
- Natural
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's role?
- Guard
- Who is SR Ayumu Uehara's idol?
- Ayumu Uehara
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's unit?
- Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's subunit?
- A-Zu-Na
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's school year?
- 2nd year
- When was SR Ayumu Uehara's worldwide version - release date?
- Jan. 20, 2021, midnight
- When was SR Ayumu Uehara's japanese version - release date?
- Oct. 25, 2020, midnight
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's skill?
- Reduce Stamina damage by 7% for 10 Notes.
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's ability (passive)?
- Increase base Stamina by 2%.
- What is SR Ayumu Uehara's ability (show)?
- Reduce Stamina damage by 30% for 1 Note(s). Condition: Activates on Strategy Switch up to 2 time(s), 100% chance
- How many collected cards does SR Ayumu Uehara have?
- 1163
- How many all stars favorite cards does SR Ayumu Uehara have?
- 129