Love Live! / Songs list / stars we chase
3 years ago
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かつて僕は星を見るのが好きだった 手を伸ばしさえすれば掴めると信じて疑わなかったんだ でも実際は自分が思っていたよりも それはとても遠くて あの輝きは時間とともに小さくなっていった だから僕は目を閉じたんだ
ねぇ、見ないふりしたのはいつだっけ? 辛くなってしまったのはいつだっけ? もう暗闇を歩くことにも慣れてしまったけれど 僕はまだあの輝きを忘れられないみたいなんだ
君のために希望を込めた想いと心の声が 巡り巡って 僕の元へ戻ってきたよ 光が刺す場所を君が教えてくれたんだ
いま改めてみえた もう一度手を伸ばそう 僕らなら届くはずだよ ずっと側にあった本当の願い 内なる声と本当の想いが大きくなっていく もっと大きな未来へと繋がるために 信じてみて 様々な色彩を放つあの星が僕らを照らしてる さらなる希望が見えるんだ それが僕らを輝かせるから どうか光を閉ざさないで
I used to look above at stars, and chase Never had to doubt what I could take Now I've found it's further than it seemed The light gets smaller, my eyes to a closure
When did it happen? Turned away my face When did it happen? Pain increasing Shadow walk and dealing, truth inside revealing Still, a part of me's seeking that feeling
Dreams in the sound I made for you Go 'round, come returning through me Where this light shines so bright, you showed
It's back and now Take your hand out, we can reach Always been there to be freed It's getting loud, on to a scream We're starting this brighter tomorrow Try this Every color shown, bright in the star From here we can find Letting us shine Don’t hide your brightness
All Stars
2 years ago
3 years ago
Added by Prismaxle
- What is 「stars we chase」's title (translation)?
- stars we chase
- What is 「stars we chase」's length?
- 3 minutes 13 seconds
- What is 「stars we chase」's beats per minute?
- 115
- When was 「stars we chase」's release date?
- June 22, 2022, 7 a.m.
- How many singers does 「stars we chase」 have?
- 1
- Who are 「stars we chase」's singers?
- Mia Taylor
- How many voice actresses does 「stars we chase」 have?
- 1
- Who are 「stars we chase」's voice actresses?
- Uchida Shu
- Who is 「stars we chase」's center?
- Mia Taylor
- Who is 「stars we chase」's composer?
- TeddyLoid
- Who is 「stars we chase」's lyricist?
- Konnie Aoki
- Who is 「stars we chase」's arranger?
- TeddyLoid
- What are 「stars we chase」's games?
- All Stars and SIF2 MIRACLE LIVE
- When was 「stars we chase」's release date in SIF2 MIRACLE LIVE?
- April 15, 2023, midnight
- What is 「stars we chase」's sif2 miracle live - attribute?
- Cool
- Is 「stars we chase」 sif2 miracle live - master?
- No
- What is 「stars we chase」's length in All Stars?
- 1 minutes 32 seconds
- When was 「stars we chase」's release date in All Stars?
- May 29, 2022, midnight