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Casual_otaku_fan avatar


I'm the guy that draws all things anime and sometimes cartoon related if i feel like testing myself in drawing things that i don't specialize in and yet somehow i managed to pull it off. And yes, i have a burning passion for all things anime related xp

I'm also the instagram artist too

4 years ago
To: nanjou yoshino

To: nanjou yoshino From: Casual_otaku_fan

I am so happy to write/type to you as an honorable actress as i've been a huge fan of love live ever since 2 years ago. I'm a fan from indonesia and lately i've been making art as a hobby and i've been planning on making it a profession in the near future. I've grown so in love with eli that i'm thankful for your contributions in bringing the character to life to appease the ones that are going through a rough time

You have no idea on how the series has made a very significant impact in my life on how it got me through my darkest hours when i've personally felt like it was all over. Right after i graduated from middle school, i was always asked by my teachers and sometimes my peers on what i wanted to do for my future, i was at first so sure that i would become a public speaker, or a racecar driver. But right after i've graduated, i've forgotten what it was like to really pursue my dream and to find something to hold on to as a clutch as i'm going through a rough time.

When i've first discovered love live as a friend of mine told me about it, i nearly thought that it was boring at first, but once i've come to liking one of the characters of the series in question, i've started to like the series a lot more and i eventually came around to watch the entire episodes of the franchise. It was an emotional rollercoaster at that point, i've felt like i was almost indulging with the characters as it became clear to me, that i love the franchise so much and i really can't thank you or any female actresses that were involved in the process of making the franchise a well known establishment that is loved by many fans across the globe. Words cannot express as to how i'm eternally grateful that you've managed to change my life for the better by helping me find my true calling to clutch onto till the day i die.

On behalf of me, myself and my mental health issues, i solemnly thank you from the bottom of my heart that you've honorably presented to me that there is still sth that i can do for my life from here on out. I hold you and eli dear to my heart as all the other characters that i've felt passionate about as i will continue making art for the rest of my days :)

Yours, Casual_otaku_fan
Ps: enjoy the fanart xp P.s.s : I hope this message gets to you

4 years ago
Letter  2

Letter #2

To: suzuki aina From: Casual_otaku_fan

Greetings to you suzuki aina, i'm an oversees fan hailing from the land of indonesia and i've come to write you a letter and i'll try to make this short.

Thanks for also giving your time in bringing one of my favorite characters in aqours to life as mari ohara herself and with you being involved in the voice acting has brought a significant change to my life. I would hope that this letter comes to your attention and thanks for helping me in finding something to hold on to. I will cheer you on with the rest of aquors ^3^

Ps: here's a piece of fanart of mari ohara, enjoy 🙂

4 years ago
My 3rd and final letter

My 3rd and final letter

To: miyu kubota From: Andre vivaldi v.m.p Hello miyu kubota, i'm Andre. I'm an overseas fan that is born in the land of indonesia. I'm grateful that love live has picked you to voice the sexy lady karin asaka as your voice fits her character so well, and yet the maturity is just pitch perfect x3

I'm an artist/illustrator and i enjoy drawing your character and almost every character thats involved in the franchise. I thank you for bringing the character to life while bringing joy and pleasure to those who have personally been through a really dark time in their lives. I hope you could take this to heart and i'll continue to support you, and the franchise with my own way ^-^

Ps: enjoy this fanart of karin xp