Community / Users list / cherubdragondawg

cherubdragondawg avatar


Hi! Im Karinmaki, or Ako/Cherub! I'm a tiny loveliver who's been around for a while now, and I've liked lovelive for a good chunk of my life, since 2015-16!! I also love D4DJ, Dragons, general animals, vaporwave/80s and 90s aesthetics! I hope we get along! (he/they/it) discord: snickerdoodlepawz

2 years ago

I realize I haven't posted since I was 13... ahaha. ^^; I'm Unsure Of How To Feel of some of my old posts but. hey. i like looking back and reminiscing at some of my old stuff lol

i'm way more into d4dj now but i do hold lovelive real close still :3 i have alot more nesos now! all of aqours ehehehee. though kanamaru are alot smaller since theyre keychain nesos and everyone else, jumbo

5 years ago
Oh, my witch baby Nozomi! I was a little late in posting it here, but I care for you a ton too,...

Oh, my witch baby Nozomi! I was a little late in posting it here, but I care for you a ton too, cheeky witch Nozomi! You have an amazing belated birthday as well, miss Witch Tojo! 💜💜💜💜💜🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙

5 years ago
A little thing for my best girl, miss Mari!! I love her to death and she’s inspired me to do so many...

A little thing for my best girl, miss Mari!! I love her to death and she’s inspired me to do so many things and has gotten me through times i never believed I’d get through. Thank you Mari, and Happy Birthday! 💜💜💜💜💜💜

5 years ago
Small Hanamaru birthday post!! this was kinda difficult cuz lighting n such but Happy birthday...

Small Hanamaru birthday post!! this was kinda difficult cuz lighting n such but Happy birthday maru!! :D i drew catmaru beside her too and they look so cute together holy happy birthday to my 4th best girl!!

5 years ago
Yohariko is gay asf,, and mari acknowledges that.

Yohariko is gay asf,, and mari acknowledges that.

5 years ago
They’re gay and Mari acknowledges it

They’re gay and Mari acknowledges it

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