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October 25, 2022 09:35:16 +0000 (UTC)

hiii another day, another idoltober art!  :D

hiii another day, another idoltober art! >:D

as much as i wanted to color this, i couldn't find the time to, but i tried to make it as detailed as i could.. ;w;

its fav subunit day and had a chance to draw more than two humans, for once :> it could have been better but i like how it turned out! hope yall like it!! :DD <333

October 22, 2022 17:30:18 +0000 (UTC)

IdolTober   Day 22 ❤✨

IdolTober - Day 22

Just vibing

Didn't had much ideas for today, but i think i figured out something cute c:

October 21, 2022 19:24:57 +0000 (UTC)

this is my first post here and it just so happened to be eli's birthday so i quickly made this phone...

this is my first post here and it just so happened to be eli's birthday so i quickly made this phone background for her lol. i consider myself more of an artist than an editor but i've had art block recently and have gotten back into editing after around four years sooo i figured i'd make her an edit!! happy birthday eli!!

November 13, 2022 22:27:29 +0000 (UTC)

Happy Birthday, Rina Tennoji!!!

Happy Birthday, Rina Tennoji!!!

Rina has been my favorite idol from the start and I've always looked up to her. Rina Helped me show emotions and even got me into Love Live!. as she is my favorite I made a pfp for her. Rina-Chan Board Says, "Holy Moly!"

Yours truly Idol Kitsune <3

November 13, 2022 01:23:09 +0000 (UTC)

happy birthday rina!! :

happy birthday rina!! :>

ur the best girl and most unique idol in the ll franchise! the idea of using a board to be able to easily express your true emotions to everyone is smth i haven't seen before in a ll idol and to me that is rlly interesting!! although the board is amazing, it is just as amazing to be able to be bond to where u have the confidence to show me your face. i remember the bond story like it was yesterday.. ;w; i hope you will continue to do your best, and one day everyone will get to see your true emotions without the board, like you hope to accomplish!! again, happy birthday rina, and keep on connecting! :>

November 13, 2022 00:41:52 +0000 (UTC)

Happy Birthday, Rina!

Happy Birthday, Rina!

I know what it's like to have trouble communicating how I really feel, so I'm glad you met the right people to help you start to overcome that, much like I did.

July 27, 2022 05:19:47 +0000 (UTC)

Finally finished with the muse girls ~ and I'll be taking a break from making the school idols all...

Finally finished with the muse girls ~ and I'll be taking a break from making the school idols all into bears

June 04, 2022 12:05:00 +0000 (UTC)

Aqours Bears! I got the idea randomly after making an icon of my own little bearsona! It was...

Aqours Bears! I got the idea randomly after making an icon of my own little bearsona! It was tedious, but really fun and plan on making all the groups into bears!