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December 08, 2020 18:25:55 +0000 (UTC)


@BINGBONGBINGBONG thanks for your reply, but forgot to put that the game I play is All-Stars. SO here is the question with more detail: Can I get the I'll Be Your Support UR of Ohara Mari in LLSIF Al-Stars? or is it too late?

March 02, 2020 16:37:30 +0000 (UTC)

🎀❤ Happy Birthday Ayumu!! ❤🎀

🎀❤ Happy Birthday Ayumu!! ❤🎀

Gosh this art took a while to pop out and I meant to post this yesterday but i completely forgot. Forgive me, Ayumu!!

I have to admit, you weren't my best girl when NijiGaku was first introduced. But as time went on and the more I got to learn about you, the more I absolutely adored you!

I relate to you when it comes to not being confident in our actions, but I know we both can get through it if we try hard enough!

Your solo song hit me really hard. I struggle a lot in life and that song really resonates with me. You give me the motivation to keep going and keep trying my best! So, thank you, Ayumu! 💕

December 07, 2020 16:27:08 +0000 (UTC)



Tomorrow will be a special day... finally this banner has arrived! Don't miss the video tomorrow, I hope the waifu blesses me > ^^^ <

November 30, 2020 17:16:18 +0000 (UTC)

my first ever doodle of kasumin! i think it turned out pretty good!

my first ever doodle of kasumin! i think it turned out pretty good!

November 29, 2020 09:50:17 +0000 (UTC)

;;v;; i just got a new tablet so ofc i had to draw maki with it
;;v;; i just got a new tablet so ofc i had to draw maki with it