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5 years ago
My Love Live! Story is a little long, but if you're interested I'd gladly tell you about it~

My Love Live! Story is a little long, but if you're interested I'd gladly tell you about it~

Where do I start though? I guess at the beginning.

I was still very new to Anime when my best friend introduced me to Love Live! It was in 2014 I think, I was only 11 back then!

So my best friend told me about that new Anime she found, called ''Love Live! School Idol Project''. with sparkling eyes, she told me about how much she loved the ''blue haired, mature girl''. I haven't seen the Anime yet, so that's what I referred to Umi as.

When I got home that day, I browsed through my phone when I suddenly remembered about the Anime my friend had told me about. I went to start up my PC and looked for it; and watched the first episode.

I was immediately amazed by how flashy it was and how great the music was. I didn't know what idols were back then, so at first glance it seemed like a 'we want to create a band'' kind of Anime.

After a few episodes though, I fell in love with my initial best girl; Yazawa Nico. I recognized her from the memes and decided to watch the whole season in a day. It was about 3am when I finished season one.

After a while, I got my first Love Live! Cosplay; It was Nico, and my best friend cosplayed Umi.

We both watched season 2 together in a night. While her best girl stayed as Umi, my best girl slowly began to become Kotori. But after watching the Movie, I could finally decide on a best girl which is my best girl to this day; Tojo Nozomi, which I also cosplayed soon after!

I love Nozomi a lot. She's my biggest comfort character and has, as weird as it may sound, helped me through a lot of hard times. She kind of kept me alive.

Then as time passed by, I noticed that the Anime had it game, which I downloaded without hesitating. When I started the game, a kind of unfamiliar voice said ''Bushiroad'' and I kinda got confused when I saw 9 completely different girls on my starting screen.

When I saw that they were called ''Aqours'' I immediatly looked them up and found out that there has been a new season that I haven't seen yet! I got all hyped up and watched it all during one single night again. My best girl quickly became Mari.

I then started to cospaly Mari, which was also the start of a new group of friends that I've met at a con! We became really good friends just because of Mari, and I'm thankful to this day.

I've began to collect all kinds of Love Live! Merch; from Figurines to T-Shirts, Badges, Posters, Keychains and Nesoberis... There's almost nothing in my room that isns't Love Live! I even keep some of the girls with me at school, on my bag, my folders or on my pencil case!

When season 2 came out, I watched each episode the day it came out. I was so hyped each time a new episode came out. During that time, my best girl had varied a lot too. It went from Mari to Chika, from Chika to Dia and eventually from Dia to Riko.

I empathize with Riko a lot since we both play the piano. I could understand her struggles so well. My fear of dogs also kind of reflected in her. I felt so close to Riko! That's why I gave myself the nickname Riko a long time ago. I've been called riko for a long time now and it makes me really happy.

Through Love Live!, I've got to meet some of my dearest friends. Without Love Live!, I wouldn't have met all these nice people I talk to everyday. Without Love Live!, I probabaly would've given up a long time ago, but their voices always made me push forward, especially Nozomi and Riko.

I love all the girls as they all never fail to cheer me up with their beautiful voices and unique personalities. Whenever I feel sad, I listen to Nozomi's solo album, it cheers me up a lot and I love her a lot.

Aqours makes me especially happy and all of their songs are just amazing. I've laerned a lot of their dances and eventually learned some songs on the piano, such as My Mai tonight or Yozora wa nandemo shitteru no.

And with this, my long Love Live! story ends! I hope it wasn't too boring and that you maybe enjoyed it a little bit if you've actually read all of it~

(Sorry for the Low Quality Pic lol, I just quickly took it to show some of my stuff)

5 years ago
watched the sunshine movie for the first time. was kinda disappointed ngl but my fave 3 were so...

watched the sunshine movie for the first time. was kinda disappointed ngl but my fave 3 were so pretty in this song i had to draw them!

5 years ago

OH MY GOD??? YOHANE AND ELI THEY BOTH LOOK SO GOOD I wonder who are the other cards?

5 years ago
I asked myself, what OTHER URs would I like to see in SIFAS? AQOURS EDITION!

I asked myself, what OTHER URs would I like to see in SIFAS? AQOURS EDITION!

5 years ago
I asked myself, what OTHER URs would I like to see in SIFAS? So here are my picks for µ's!

I asked myself, what OTHER URs would I like to see in SIFAS? So here are my picks for µ's!

I decided to include promo URs because I just love some of them so much ^^

5 years ago
**Finished !!**

Finished !!

I love drawing Hanayo so much !! I hope y'all like this ,,

5 years ago

hello everyone! i have an important message that makes me very happy: i share a birthday with setsunas seiyuu, tomoriru!

5 years ago

Hello guys~

Skip here! I'm a staff member as well as designer here~ I've been into LL since 2015 and I love this franchise with all my heart. It brought me together with some of the most amazing people I've ever met.

I hope being a part of Idol Story will help other people feel at home with the series the same way I did when I first got into it.

I'm always open to talk about anything so feel free to contact me whenever~

And here's to a fantastic beginning~

5 years ago

Hiya! I'm waiting for the English release of All stars before getting into it but figured it'd be a safe bet to pre-register regardless. In the mean time, I play a lot of fighting games so if you're interested in them feel free to come to me for games or to talk to me about them :)

5 years ago

Hey all!

I'm so excited for Idol Story's Launch!

My name is Em, I'm LoveLiver from the South of the UK! I have been in this community for so long now, probably about 5 years! Nozomi, Kanan, Chika, Mari and Emma are my ultimate best girls, but I love all of them really!!

I hope we can be friends 💜

5 years ago
Hello! My name is eli! I mostly live on Instagram, but I wanna branch out and meet new friends!! I...

Hello! My name is eli! I mostly live on Instagram, but I wanna branch out and meet new friends!! I mostly collect merch of Eli, but I enjoy finding new things and add them to my collection !! I’m enjoying all stars so far! I hope to talk to some of you guys ! <3