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March 30, 2021 20:16:18 +0000 (UTC)


Letter #2!

Dear Nanjou-san,

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such an amazing and cheerful person, bringing an unimaginable life to µ’s! Whenever I rewatch the µ’s lives, I can’t help but notice how much you genuinely seem to enjoy performing, not only for yourself and fellow µ’s members, but for the audience too. Seeing genuine happiness and passion for what you do really warms my heart, and I’m not sure anyone else in µ’s is quite as capable of doing that as you. I’m also a huge fan of your work in fripside, especially “future gazer”, which always helps get me in the right mood and to feeling myself again. So, please continue to do your best! I’ll always support you as best as I can♪


As an aside, I'm very happy that we're able to send more than one letter! I wrote up letters for more than one seiyuu and it felt like such a waste to only pick one... Thank you so much for giving us this opportunity, it really means so, so much to me 💙