Love Live! / Songs list / Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto

Title (Romaji)
Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto
Title (Translation)
You Don't Know What You've Got Until It's Gone
タイトル (翻訳) なくして初めて気づくこと
1 minutes 21 seconds
Beats per minute
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Release date
May 10, 2023 07:00:00 +0000 (UTC)
Singers - Voice actresses

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Ryota Kojima
作曲家 小島良太
Kishimoto Kouki
作詞家 岸本功喜
Ryota Kojima
Arranger 小島良太
Lyrics (Romaji)
Lyrics (Japanese)
Lyrics (Translations)

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Added by Prismaxle

What is 「Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto」's title (translation)?
You Don't Know What You've Got Until It's Gone
What is 「Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto」's length?
1 minutes 21 seconds
What is 「Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto」's beats per minute?
When was 「Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto」's release date?
May 10, 2023, 7 a.m.
How many singers does 「Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto」 have?
Who are 「Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto」's singers?
School Idol Musical Ensemble
Who is 「Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto」's center?
School Idol Musical Ensemble
Who is 「Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto」's composer?
Ryota Kojima
Who is 「Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto」's lyricist?
Kishimoto Kouki
Who is 「Nakushite Hajimete Kizuku Koto」's arranger?
Ryota Kojima