Community / Users list / Hunterdacool

Hunterdacool avatar


Hunter is a member in the Smile x corp but boss told him to go in a dimensional portal that heads to this anime called love live.

Well, boss is the boss of the smile x corp(But his not the real boss).He uses a weird wand that summons portals, boss can make any portals that made go to an other dimensions or worlds.Ex.Among us. Gender:Male Name:-----(Got to check posts to find out my name and other things about me) Where I live:-----(Got to check posts to find out my name and other things about me) Faves: Seven Deadly Sins,Smile-X-Corp,Ice Scream,Half Life,2,3/ALYX Favorite songs:-------(Got to check posts to find out my name and other things about me) Users here who followed, me thank you so much to you guys.Check my other account for more other things.