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March 26, 2021 20:29:12 +0000 (UTC)

[email protected]

To Nacchan, your smile always warms my heart, and you are always so cheerful! Thank you for bringing life to Ai san, and you always know how to cheer people up with your warm smile and songs. Your song Tanoshii no Tensai always encourages me to have fun in life! Your live performances have always captivated me and bring joy to my heart. I also like how Ai san always makes up funny nicknames for Kasumi, it always makes me laugh! I can relate to Ai san because I'm a person who also likes to have fun with friends and smile all the time. I'm from Canada, and I hope that someday, I'll get to meet you and recieve an autograph from you. You'll always be my no 1 voice actress in Love Live. I hope you are having a great year and best reguards, Jon.

March 28, 2021 12:26:56 +0000 (UTC)


こんにじがさき お元気ですか。お元気で何よりです。今たくさんこと言いたいですがあまりにも長く書くと迷惑かもしれません。まずはシャッフルフェスティバルお疲れ様です。とっても面白くて楽し過ぎるライブでした。皆さんのステージ特にともりさんとても良かったです。配信見ると目が離せないくらい関心です。まさかこの遠い場所からまたわ海外から生配信見られるなんて本当に奇跡です。以前のラグライブのステージはブルーレイでしか見られないが今直接生配信で見えることが出来て本当嬉しかったです。虹ヶ咲やラブライブのスタッフに感謝します。僕もこれからもっと勉強していつか日本へ直接虹ヶ咲のライブを見れるように頑張ります。その時また報告します。これからもそしてこのさきもあなたとしてファンとして虹ヶ咲を応援します。ありがとうございます。

ja Translate from 日本語 to English
March 16, 2021 22:53:12 +0000 (UTC)


Its hard to choose your favorite when they all are so good! Eli/Mari/Dia fan all the way!!! Also Arisha, THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!!!! You made my life feel a whole lot better by hearing you sing!

April 01, 2021 10:03:06 +0000 (UTC)

To Saito Shuka san..

To Saito Shuka-san..

Hello there, my name is Dorielle, and I wanted to thank you for all your hard work. I've followed you since Aqours began, and I've loved you and your work ever since. Thank you for the energy you bring to everything you do, and I always look forward to what comes next. I love Papapa! And I loved hearing you in ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ! It's really cool meeting different characters from you! I hope you like the art I drew of You as a Pokémon trainer! I thought Zenigame and Iwanko fit you well! Again, thank you for your hard work! You encourage me to try my best and have fun! Congratulations on being April's Weather Caster! I hope it goes well!

Yousoro! Dorielle

March 30, 2021 19:22:15 +0000 (UTC)


For Yurika Kubo:

I haven't been a fan of Love Live! for as long as others, and I was never able to see u's live, but I still really enjoy the franchise and the amount of work the seiyuu put into it. Since I discovered the anime, I've loved hearing Hanayo's singing no matter what song it is. I also loved seeing you in the 9th anniversary Love Live! Fes delayed viewing, and I cheered for you with a blade in Hanayo's green. I hope you've been doing well since u's stopped performing.

Sincerely, Ben.

April 01, 2021 08:18:56 +0000 (UTC)


Dear, Aida Rikako(逢田 梨香子)

My name is Andi, I'm from Bandung, Indonesia I have been a huge fan of yours since 2017. Thank you for all your performance with Riko and Aqours. I will always support Aqours until the end! Oh! And my birthday is also just after Riko's birthday! Sincerely, Andi.

**日本語が下手でごめんなさい** 私の名前はアンディです。インドネシアのバンドンから来た。 私は2017年から梨香子さんの大ファンであり。 梨子とAqoursでのパフォーマンスに感謝します! 私はいつもAqoursを最後までサポートします! ああ!そして、私の誕生日も梨子の誕生日の直後です! 心から、アンディ。

April 01, 2021 10:57:22 +0000 (UTC)


Dear Shikaco,

I’m bad at words so I’m a bit nervous about writing this, but I’ll do my best.

When I found Love Live, I was in a dark place. Seeing Hanayo and learning about her character gave me hope and sparked my love for idols. Over the years, my love for idols has only grown. Though I may never know you closely, Hanayo has impacted my life positively and I will never forget that.

Thank you for all the work you do. You brought Hanayo to life and I can’t think of a better voice actress for her. Thank you for your years of hard work and dedication, both within Love Live and outside. Words cannot express my appreciation and admiration for everything you have accomplished.

With love,


April 01, 2021 11:44:03 +0000 (UTC)


Dear Aya Uchida/Ucchi,

I hope you’re still doing well and safe in Japan. I became a Love Live fan since 2018 and fell in love with Kotori ever since her maid cafe episode. After finishing the anime, I learned how talented you really are when I looked at your other voice acting roles and songs. Your songs bring me joy whenever I get to listen to them, I love how different your singing voice is with a pretty pop song to a tough rock song. I admire your commitment in your role as Kotori, from being as cheerful as her to singing and dancing as Kotori too, which must’ve been tough to do. But you kept going and showed your best, it was very inspiring. I hope you keep doing your best and surprise us in the future!

With love, Steven

April 01, 2021 11:54:23 +0000 (UTC)


Dear Nanaka Suwa/Suwawa,

I’m happy to be writing this letter to you, you’re one of my favorite Aqours seiyuus. After watching Sunshine, Kanan became my favorite Aqours girl by how athletic she is and her love of hugs. You were the perfect seiyuu to give Kanan her cute voice and warm personality. You became my favorite too because you showed your hard work and improvement with your singing throughout the years, from Happy Party Train to Motto Ne, your singing kept getting better. Your interactions with Aqours is sweet with how you mess around or be pouty with them, or show lots of kindness towards them. Keep improving as a seiyuu, but also relax when necessary. I’m excited to see how much better you’ve become!

Sincerely, Steven

April 01, 2021 12:04:08 +0000 (UTC)


Dear Maria Sashide/Chunrun,

I hope you’re doing great today! Thank you for voicing Emma, she’s my favorite Nijigasaki girl because of her caring nature and warm smiles. Her solos are so unique to each other and are lovely to listen to. For having an actual voice similar to Emma’s as well as a warm personality, you were the right seiyuu for her. Your singing makes Emma’s solos sound amazing even with how different they are, and your live performances show your best efforts in singing and dancing too. When you were performing Ayumu’s solo in the Shuffle Festival, you looked like you had so much fun doing so and it made me so happy seeing it. I can’t wait to see what you and Nijigasaki have prepared for this year!

Best wishes, Steven

March 30, 2021 21:13:49 +0000 (UTC)


Letter #2: Dear Maeda Kaori

Hello! My name is Alyson. Your brightness and cheerfulness always make my days better. Listen to Nijigasaki's songs always makes me feel with so much passion and love, thanks for being part of this group and for show us your amazing talent performing in the lives! When I see you in Nicomamas or concerts, everytime I smile and feel so happy. In these difficult times (from the pandemic), you and the NijiGaku girls give me strength to keep going every day. Hope to keep seeing your hard work with the NijiGaku girls, who I love so much! So pumped up for the 3rd live and the future Nijigasaki projects! I will keep supporting you with everything I can!

regards from Latin America, Chile