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November 09, 2020 15:56:23 +0000 (UTC)


30 Days of Love Live! Challenge

I decided to only do µ's for this since I've watched the entirety of School Idol Project four times, and in doing so pretty much know what I like (I actually plan on re-watching again later this week).

Day 9: Favorite Season 1 Episode

Episode 5: Nico Attacks! Image

I might not relate to Nico the most on every level, but I really empathize with her. Among friends whom I share like interests with, I've always been one step ahead, or been much more serious than they are, much like Nico was about becoming a school idol.

I really understand that feeling of unintentionally leaving people behind because I'm so passionate about something, and ultimately not being able to share those experiences because of that (though luckily one my closest friends doesn't care at all lol).

I suppose that it's more so that I like Nico's character than the episode itself, but this is her episode after all. To some, Nico is just a meme (understandably), but in reality, she truly is one of the best characters in the series. I'd recommend watching WatTheWut's video on Nico that he recently did (or all of his videos, they're all really good), if you have yet to realize that. It actually wasn't until around May of 2019 that I started to realize just how good of a character she really was. Later in the week, I'll be doing µ's character rankings, so I'll lay off the character love until then lol.

As the runner-up, we have Episode 8: What I Want....
It was pretty hard to bench this episode, but Nico Attacks! just barely wins. I understand how hard it can be to admit what you really want, or weather you're doing it out of self-interest or because you feel that obligation to. Especially in Eli's position, after constantly working against Honoka and the others, it would have been hard for her to even entertain joining µ's. Much like Nico and Umi, all that was needed was for someone to simply reach out to them, because as some may know, sometimes it takes that extra push from others.