Love Live! / Idols list / Rurino Osawa

Rurino Osawa
氏名 大沢 瑠璃乃
Hasunosora Girls' High School Idol Club
Mira-Cra Park!
Voice actress
Hasunosora Girls' High
School year
2nd year
August 31
Astrological sign
Astrological sign
17 years old
1m 51cm
Finding fun in anything!
Fishing, Karaoke, Going to the batting cages
Liked food
Boba Tea! Crystal Candy!
104th Term / 2nd-Year Description: A second-year at Hasunosora Girls’ High. Rurino returned from California and transferred into Hasunosora last year. She has an upbeat personality that brightens those around her, but sometimes she runs out of energy and enters her “Dead Battery” state from caring too much. Megumi has been her partner and childhood friend since grade school.

Favorite Phrase: The best motivation always comes from within.

Favorite Subject: Art, music

Favorite Animal: Chow-chow dogs, big bears

103rd Term / 1st-Year Description:

Hasunosora 1st year, returning from studying abroad in California. At first, she seems like a friendly, happy, party girl-- however, she can be overly careful, and when she runs out of energy, she enters what she calls a "dead battery" state. She and Megumi have been childhood friends since elementary school.

Lighstick color
Ruri Pink
Link! Like! Love Live! - Cards
Link! Like! Love Live! - Cards
R Rurino Osawa Trickster
R Rurino Osawa Performer
R Rurino Osawa Trickster
R Rurino Osawa Moodmaker
SR Rurino Osawa Trickster
SR Rurino Osawa Trickster
SR Rurino Osawa Trickster
SR Rurino Osawa Moodmaker
SR Rurino Osawa Performer
SR Rurino Osawa Trickster
SR Rurino Osawa Trickster
SR Rurino Osawa Moodmaker
SR Rurino Osawa Trickster
SR Rurino Osawa Trickster
SR Rurino Osawa Moodmaker
Suggest edit

Added by db0

What is Rurino Osawa's unit?
Hasunosora Girls' High School Idol Club
What is Rurino Osawa's subunit?
Mira-Cra Park!
What is Rurino Osawa's school?
Hasunosora Girls' High
What is Rurino Osawa's school year?
2nd year
When is Rurino Osawa's birthday?
August 31
What is Rurino Osawa's astrological sign?
How old is Rurino Osawa?
17 years old
How tall is Rurino Osawa?
1m 51cm (4'11")
What is Rurino Osawa's color?
What is Rurino Osawa's skill?
Finding fun in anything!
What are Rurino Osawa's hobbies?
Fishing, Karaoke, Going to the batting cages
What is Rurino Osawa's liked food?
Boba Tea! Crystal Candy!
What is Rurino Osawa's lighstick color?
How many images does Rurino Osawa have?
What are Rurino Osawa's images?
#7587, #9147, #9148, #9149, #9150, #9151, #9152, #9153, #9154, #9155, #9156, #9157, #15429, #15430, #15461, #15462, #15473, #15474, #15477, #15478, #15485, #15486, #15493, #15494, #16265, #16266, #16267, #16268, #16277, #16278, #16292, #16293, #16304, #16305, #16316, #16317, #16324, #16325, #16328, #16329, #16336, #16337, #16345, #16346, #16365, #16366, #16367, #16368, #16389, #16390, #16391, #16392, #16407, #16408, #16435, #16436, #16450, #16451, #16475, #16476, #16477, #16478, #16501, #16502, #16529, #16565, #16566, #16576, #16577, #16607, #16621, #16622, #16628, #16629, #16642, #16643, #16655 and #16656
How many cards does Rurino Osawa have?
What are Rurino Osawa's cards?
R Rurino Osawa Trickster, R Rurino Osawa Performer, R Rurino Osawa Trickster, R Rurino Osawa Moodmaker, SR Rurino Osawa Trickster, SR Rurino Osawa Trickster, SR Rurino Osawa Trickster, SR Rurino Osawa Moodmaker, SR Rurino Osawa Performer, SR Rurino Osawa Trickster, SR Rurino Osawa Trickster, SR Rurino Osawa Moodmaker, SR Rurino Osawa Trickster, SR Rurino Osawa Trickster and SR Rurino Osawa Moodmaker
How many songs does Rurino Osawa have?
What are Rurino Osawa's songs?
[Hasunosora 6th Single], Love it! Wonderful Trip!, Mahara Jamboree II, Oide yo! Ishikawa Daikankou, Kakurenbo Shiyou, Zenhoui Kyun♡, Gekka Bijin, AURORA FLOWER, KEY of Like!, Now or Never, Joushou Kiryuu, Identity (104th Class NEW Ver.), Fanfare!!!, 365 Days, Bloom the smile, Bloom the dream! and more
How many comics does Rurino Osawa have?
What are Rurino Osawa's comics?
Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 11」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 39」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 42」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 45」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 48」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 52」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 53」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 57」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 58」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 59」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 60」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 61」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 62」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 63」, Link! Life! Love Live!「Chapter 64」 and more
How many fans does Rurino Osawa have?