January 17, 2020 20:40:20 +0000 (UTC)

happy birthday hanayo! my best girl <3

happy birthday hanayo! my best girl <3 please have the best rice-filled day!

October 19, 2020 08:22:23 +0000 (UTC)

Day 18: Thankful

Day 18: Thankful

Thank you so much, Idol Story staff, for all the things you do for the site, the community, and our social media. Thanks for the amazing database you filled up with so many details, especially the songs, the idols, and the voice actresses. Thank you for always sharing Love Live! news so quickly and for being such a reliable source of information. Thank you for organizing these super fun events with the community that make everyone get together and create beautiful things. Thanks for always being so patient with me, who's always late developing the features you ask me for 🙇

Happy 1st anniversary, Idol Story! I'm so happy, proud and grateful to be part of such an amazing group of people, and I hope to keep working with you again for another year, and more!

October 13, 2020 10:21:12 +0000 (UTC)

Happy birthday, Idol Story!! You are now a year old! I joined in that same month when I think...

Happy birthday, Idol Story!! You are now a year old! I joined in that same month when I think someone shared a link to it on Discord.

October 15, 2020 22:58:38 +0000 (UTC)

Day 13: sweets

Day 13: sweets

Is that dress still relevant? Probably not. Do I still want to see my girls wearing it? Hecc yes! This is the prompt I was looking forward to the most! Thanks everyone who helped me decide what to draw on my Insta story

October 13, 2020 22:21:45 +0000 (UTC)


Hello, thank you Idol Story for everything you do, happy to be here from the start! It's a pleasure to see that you grew every day, I hope we will have new things later!

September 13, 2020 17:33:27 +0000 (UTC)

I didn't know if I should be makin' a post based on the categories of art and whatnot that were...

I didn't know if I should be makin' a post based on the categories of art and whatnot that were listed on Kotori-chan's B-Day party page, but after lookin' through the thread itself I think my post fits with merely wishin' Kotori-chan a wonderful, happy~ happy~ birthday!! ❀.(´◡`)❀.

"Let's all have all the cheesecake and other kinds of wonderful cake to celebrate!! o(^▽^)o

To our kind, passionate, friend to alpacas, fashion designer, baker, and more Kotori-chan~💖🍰🎂 " From my Twitter yesterday!

Check the link for some of the other merch I have featuring Kotori-chan! https://twitter.com/Chesmia/status/1305004385408151554/photo/1

Also, I wait until cards are released in the WW ver. of All Stars, so I didn't know about the new Kotori-chan UR Pioneering a New World! She looks absolutely stunning and so cool, and honestly

(I am still contemplating who and what outfit of LL! I want to make my first LL cosplay)

I think this Kotori-chan has a really good chance of being it. ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)

'Cause I can totally see myself wearing her outfit out-and-about casually as long as I make some tweaks here-and-there~

Anyway! I also made a scouting video for her birthday UR if any of y'all would like to check that out, so please be my guest and check it out if ya'd like~

[youtube video] https://youtu.be/esFWQ_XBSnw

(I just realized I didn't change the video to public ಥ◡ಥ)

Take care everyone, and here's to spending another year together with our precious birb!!! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

(All I need is Kotori-chan, it's okayyyy... (*゚▽゚)ノ)