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November 11, 2020 20:44:49 +0000 (UTC)

Honestly, Rina's episode was so emotional and amazing, Rina instantly moved into third best girl....

Honestly, Rina's episode was so emotional and amazing, Rina instantly moved into third best girl. She's so adorable, how can someone not like her?

November 09, 2020 15:56:23 +0000 (UTC)


30 Days of Love Live! Challenge

I decided to only do µ's for this since I've watched the entirety of School Idol Project four times, and in doing so pretty much know what I like (I actually plan on re-watching again later this week).

Day 9: Favorite Season 1 Episode

Episode 5: Nico Attacks! Image

I might not relate to Nico the most on every level, but I really empathize with her. Among friends whom I share like interests with, I've always been one step ahead, or been much more serious than they are, much like Nico was about becoming a school idol.

I really understand that feeling of unintentionally leaving people behind because I'm so passionate about something, and ultimately not being able to share those experiences because of that (though luckily one my closest friends doesn't care at all lol).

I suppose that it's more so that I like Nico's character than the episode itself, but this is her episode after all. To some, Nico is just a meme (understandably), but in reality, she truly is one of the best characters in the series. I'd recommend watching WatTheWut's video on Nico that he recently did (or all of his videos, they're all really good), if you have yet to realize that. It actually wasn't until around May of 2019 that I started to realize just how good of a character she really was. Later in the week, I'll be doing µ's character rankings, so I'll lay off the character love until then lol.

As the runner-up, we have Episode 8: What I Want....
It was pretty hard to bench this episode, but Nico Attacks! just barely wins. I understand how hard it can be to admit what you really want, or weather you're doing it out of self-interest or because you feel that obligation to. Especially in Eli's position, after constantly working against Honoka and the others, it would have been hard for her to even entertain joining µ's. Much like Nico and Umi, all that was needed was for someone to simply reach out to them, because as some may know, sometimes it takes that extra push from others.

November 10, 2020 16:50:03 +0000 (UTC)


30 Days of Love Live! Challenge

Day 10: Favorite Season 2 Episode

Ok so this was actually super difficult to narrow down. Season 2 is amazing and has a lot of really good episodes to offer. I wanted to avoid a tie if I could, but alas, it just wasn't doable. With that being said, the two episodes are...

Episode 8: My Wish Image
As a Nozomi fan, I wouldn't be doing her justice if I neglected this episode. Throughout the anime, Nozomi is always there to give a lending hand (or a washi-washi), but for what purpose? Why did she want to cultivate this group so badly? Simply, to create a miracle. A miracle that would bring together people much like herself, people that were awkward and struggled with themselves to fit or to reach out. Seeing Nozomi grow up with out so much as anyone to call a friend, while I won't say hits close to home, I can sympathize with the pain the she must have felt. Luckily, she then finds Eli and realizes that they both share the same issue, and is able to reach out to her because of it, leading to a long (and maybe gay?), friendship.

At the end of the day, all Nozomi really wanted was people to call friends, and with those friends, create something meaningful and unforgettable. That might sound selfish, but being selfish isn't always a negative thing. Nozomi wanted to belong, and to have people that she could laugh and have fun with. And by being selfish, Nozomi was able to create the miracle that is µ's.

...and Episode 11: That Which We Decided Image
I'm not saying that making me cry automatically makes an episode or a show good, but from what I've learned, it almost does? What I love about this episode is that everyone's feelings are made clear. As much as everyone loves µ's, the remaining members know in their hearts that µ's is not µ's without nine. In order for µ's to be what they created, all nine members must be present. So while the 1st and 2nd years may want to continue being idols, µ's is not the platform to continue doing so. µ's wanted to hold that light the made them one, only when they were completely one, together. That's one of the reasons that I love µ's so much: they push aside their desire to continue in order to preserve "what was", and what they all shared.

As the runner-up, we have Episode 4: No. 1 Idol in the Universe
If you missed my post from yesterday, I had quite a bit to talk about in regards to Nico, and I suppose that my love from this episode sort of stems from that. This may not be a super impactful episode, but it's difficult (for me at least), to not sympathize with Nico. To attain the light that she so desperately wanted to achieve, she herself ended up in darkness. But, a new glimmer of light appeared when µ's reached their hands out to Nico for guidance. While Nico took advantage of this opportunity in order to achieve her original goal, she comes to realize that without µ's, she would never have been gotten the chance. So, I suppose that this episode is about casting aside your old self and embracing who you are, and the people around you, or something like that?

November 07, 2020 18:22:47 +0000 (UTC)


Hello everyone! This is my first post, but let's forget the introduction and let's talk about Rina's episode lol:

First of all, I think my house is officialy a pool, because I cried literally a LOT. Everything was perfect, and if Rina was my best girl before, this made me love her even more. I think even if we don't have that difficulty about expressing our feelings, we can, or at least I can, relate to her a little bit... The only "problem I saw in this episode was... the outfit? It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either... It's kind of meh, I think it could have been much better, but anyways, If you haven't watched episode 6, GO WATCH IT NOW. Please <3.

Last thing: Next up is Kanata's episode, and it turns out that Haruka, her sister, has been my best N girl since I played SIF (we even have the same bithday, yes, originality), AND SHE'S GONNA APPEAR and I'm so excited, I have been waiting and wihing for this moment ever since the news of the anime came out HELP.

Sorry, I made this very long... If you read it all, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. I wish y'all are doing well and take a lot of care!! <3

November 08, 2020 19:10:45 +0000 (UTC)


30 Days of Love Live! Challenge

I decided to skip Nijigaku subunit songs since there's like... six of them total. I don't even have a QU4RTZ song that I like either so...


Day 8: Favorite PV(s)

This doesn't include the anime songs, such as Happy maker! or BokuHika, but instead the separately released singles like Borarara.

Bokura no LIVE, Kimi to no LIFE Image
The song that started it all. Let's just be glad that they decided to touch-up the characters' designs moving and didn't just stick with this, right? Poor character design aside, the PV is... still not the great. But even if that is the case, Borarara is a very important song to me. A reoccurring theme throughout this post will be "nostalgia", and Borarara hits hard with it (though maybe not like Mermaid festa vol.1).

Natsuiro Egao de 1, 2, Jump! Image
Skipping right over Snow halation we have another amazing (and nostalgic), song. And a Nico center no less! Having a different center for an animated PV was significant, as it really showcased how Love Live! did things a bit differently. Even if Honoka is the center of ~37 songs, having dynamic centers allows characters to all share the spotlight.

Wonderful Rush Image I really like Wonderful Rush because it's such a great tool to use to compare just how much µ's changed in a little over two years (that and it's a bop). Seeing as how it was released ~5 months before the anime, there's this interesting hybrid design between the older PVs and the anime, which I find really cool. And again, shoutouts to a Kotori center PV (she did have baby maybe but still)! It's a very impactful song too, and I feel like it serves as a really good transition from the PVs to the more standard "anime" format. Also, this is a HUGE nostalgia song for me (again lol).

A song for You! You? You!! Image
I didn't get into Love Live! until late 2016, after which µ's had already disbanded and stopped releasing singles. So for me to be able to experience a completely new album release really meant so, so, much to me. Luckily, this is was my reward, so to speak. I'm really glad that both A song for You!! and Natte Shimatta! are really good songs. I was really afraid of the coupling track not being good, so that was a relief. But the PV itself is great, too, chock full of fan service, cute shots, and meaningful and emotional callbacks to earlier PVs/parts of the series. Maybe after another four-ish years we'll be blessed another new µ's single...

Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM (I don't own the BD, and I couldn't find any high quality screenshots, so here's a crusty one) Image Looking back on it, I should've made this an HM on one of the earlier challenges, but it's whatever. Kimi no Kokoro, HPT, and Mitaiken HORIZON are okay, but AQUARIUM really takes the cake. Easily one of my favorite and most memorable Aqours songs from back in the day. I don't fully dig You as the center, but I can let it slide since this song is so damn catchy lol.

November 02, 2020 20:04:48 +0000 (UTC)

it's my birthday and ill brag about my merch if I want!!

it's my birthday and ill brag about my merch if I want!! (also this isn't all of it. teehee. ♡)

August 26, 2020 14:56:33 +0000 (UTC)


Fantastic Departure! and Aqours Pirate Desire are the best song released this year. Nothing will tell me otherwise.

Followed close second to Jimo-Ai Dash!


November 03, 2020 15:02:57 +0000 (UTC)


30 Days of Love Live! Challenge

Day 3: Favorite Song(s)
For this, I decided to choose from all songs except sub units and solos, since those'll be in later days.

µ's: KiRa-KiRa Sensation! and Soshite Saigo no Page ni wa. Image There's actually a bit of significance behind this song: this song was the reason I started to like Umi! I'll reference again back to my Umi birthday post from earlier this year if you want to read that section. That aside, have you actually listened to this song? This is seriously one of the few songs that I never grow tired of listening to, no matter how long it's been playing on repeat. And the outfits? Actually the cutest outfits in the entire series FREE, bar freaking none. SoshiPage is a very close second, but doesn't quite make the cut. BUT! That doesn't mean that this song doesn't slap. I even used Jolno's comment about the song as my senior yearbook quote:

"Though no one knows what lies ahead of us, we're all living together in the present with all we have, so I want to treasure it until the very last moment."

This song is one of the reasons why I find it so important to branch out from the anime if you really enjoyed it. There are only about 25 of µ's' songs that are included in the anime, so 21% of their songs. Sure Puwa Puwa-O!, Love Novels, and Yuujou no Change have off-vocals that play in the background of the anime, but that obviously doesn't count.

Aqours: WONDERFUL STORIES and Tousou Meisou Mobius Loop/Hajimari Road. Image I actually forgot that WS stories existed, but looking at all of Aqours' songs, and what impact they've had on me, it most definitely takes the cake. The song is very upbeat, and I feel like it captures Aqours' journey to make everyone shine so very well. Both TMML and HR are extremely solid runner-ups. Just when I had begun to lose a bit of faith in Aqours, these songs existed and let me know how it is. Both are really fun-sounding and really get me in the groove whenever I listen to them.

Nijiagku: Nijiiro Passions!.
(Too lazy to find an image lol)
Before the anime started, I'd never fully listened to the full-group Nijigaku songs (and still haven't...), outside of TOKIMEKI Runners. But still, if I had to choose, NijiPassions! would definitely be my favorite, not even cause it's new or anything like that; it's just objectively a banger.