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June 13, 2020 04:03:38 +0000 (UTC)

"The Shiny Warrior, Mari Ohara has arrived!"

"The Shiny Warrior, Mari Ohara has arrived!"

Happy Birthday Mari! ^^

Mari is my favorite member of Aqours, and has been for a long time. I love her positive attitude and her often chaotic jokes. Aqours wouldn't be the same without her!

I thought for her birthday it would be nice to draw her as a magical girl like I did for Ai! I think Mari would suit being a magical girl. <3

June 12, 2020 08:38:52 +0000 (UTC)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOZOMI! Since she's technically turning like 27 or something I tried to draw her as...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOZOMI! Since she's technically turning like 27 or something I tried to draw her as like an adult :))

June 13, 2020 12:58:10 +0000 (UTC)



An old Mari edit I did for a comp, thinking that maybe one day I should remake it when I have the time lol. Just look at her weird legs.

June 10, 2020 18:22:16 +0000 (UTC)

A preview for Saint Snow's 1st single, "Dazzling White Town," has been released! Have you seen it...

A preview for Saint Snow's 1st single, "Dazzling White Town," has been released! Have you seen it yet?

Check it out below!

June 13, 2020 12:47:45 +0000 (UTC)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARI!!! So I had other plans art-wise for her birthday but I didn't finish it in time so here is a drawing of her I did on my phone lol. Mari is my favourite Love Live character and one of my favourite characters of all time, so here are some things I have to say about her and to her.

Dear Mari, what is there to say to you? Well for starters I had no idea you would be my best girl when I started getting into Love Live, I thought that I would be a Maki only fan forever and at first, my best girl in Sunshine was You. I don't remember when you became my best girl but I don't regret hanging onto you. I remember thinking you where just Nozomi 2 with a bit of Eli. But now I know you're more than that, at least to me you are. You inspire me so much every day.

Out of all the girls of Aqours you had to make the most sacrifices, your future became uncertain the sake of your friends and you became a fricken headmaster of a school as an excuse to see them again. You helped You with her troubles, you did everything you could to help save the school you loved. And you felt the most responsible for the schools closing. Mari, you do not need to feel that way, it isn't your fault. When you were forced into an arranged marriage by your family you fled to Italy in retaliation, and when your mother came to you and insulted school idols your were brave enough to tell her that she was wrong and school idols are important. You're strong and beautiful inside and out, you're smart and you make dumb jokes that I can't help but love. You are amazing and you shine so much brighter than anyone else to me. If I could ever meet you I would love to thank you for bringing so much hope and love into my life. Your smile and voice were able to save me from one of the worst experiences of my life and I held your neso the tightest I could every night to feel some sort of safety in the situation I was in.

And I know you're not real, and I know you will never see this. But I will never forget you, even if I suffer some form of memory loss somewhere in my metaphorical heart I will still remember how you helped me.

TL;DR Mari is hot and cute and smart and cool and did I say hot? and funny and amazing and nice and beautiful and has nice hair and SHINY and I lover her.

June 14, 2020 08:51:24 +0000 (UTC)

Y'know what?

Y'know what? I'm gonna stop couting for a while so i can save love gems and tickets when my favorites have their birthdays.

I'm gonna make a You UR army.>:)