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December 03, 2020 21:43:56 +0000 (UTC)


Hi! I am DJ Kurosaki! I've never posted here, but I thought with the holiday season underway, I figured I could share a tune I made.

This is the first mashup I ever made 2-3 years ago with the discography of all the songs in Love Live. It's part of a compilation series of mashups which I call: Beat Feat! (Love Live! X EDM)

Happy Holidays to you all! Hope you enjoy this! This is µ's' Snow halation, versus Beyond the Lights by the Egyptian trance duo, Aly & Fila!

YouTube video

December 03, 2020 20:37:06 +0000 (UTC)


30 Days of Love Live! Challenge

Day 25: Favorite Live Song/Live Performance
Fell off the face of the Earth for a few days again but hopefully I can finish this like I had initially intended to lol. This'll only be µ's btw since I haven't watched anything outside of Next Sparkling Day 1 for Aqours and nothing for Nijigaku.

LONELIEST BABY and Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai (ENDLESS PARADE) Image

If I were to show someone unfamiliar with Love Live! a live, these would be the two songs that I'd first consider. Both are super catchy are easily within my top 20 favorite µ's songs. The choreography is amazing, and the outfits for these two specific performances are really cute and very animated, which gives their movements some extra flare. The live for LONELIEST BABY is pretty much the entire reason I like the song as much I now do, actually. I've played the song quite a bit in SIF since it's a pretty easy swipe song to FC, but I never really went out of my way to listen to it. Not anymore lol. Everyday I either listen to LONELIEST BABY or I watch the live, and that's not even an exaggeration.

Favorite Live Performance: Dream Sensation Day 2

Right. So, looking at every single performance that µ's has put on, not including Love Live Fest, this is easily the best. I'm a huge fan of the BD bonus songs from both seasons, and Day 2 is full of them. Meaning, we get songs like Zurui yo, Storm in Lover, Moshimo Kara Kitto, Suki desu ga Suki desu ka?, and SoshiPage. Shiawase Iki no SMILING and Kururin MIRACLE are okay, but I can do without them honestly. On top of that, IT'S KUSSUN'S BIRTHDAY. The fact that a live landed on the same day is pretty impressive, and I love how they surprise with an MC dedicated just to her. And, I love how they have Kussun "blow out" the audience's cyalumes like candles. On top of all that we have, in my opinion, the best performance of KiRa-KiRa Sensation!. It's pretty much bar none if you ask me. Then, we get the best encore out of all the lives (unless you count Final Live with BokuHika and MOMENT RING). We get SENTIMENTAL StepS (only time it was performed live), and the best performances of Happy maker! and Dreamin' Go! Go!!. Granted, this was the first µ's live I watched in full, so I may be getting a bit nostalgic for it, but man is it solid. I'd definitely recommend watching it if you have yet to!

October 05, 2020 22:51:09 +0000 (UTC)

I’m not following the prompts, but I can still post right?

I’m not following the prompts, but I can still post right? I drew Spectral Girl Rina, Magical Fever Kasumi, and Moon Festival Rabbit Shizuku. I thought it turned out pretty well, so yay!

December 03, 2020 14:32:45 +0000 (UTC)


Today I discovered there will be a 2nd round of Fes UR's. Now this is something to look forward to. Gotta get those best girl's UR's at all costs 💚💗🖤💛💚

December 03, 2020 16:52:09 +0000 (UTC)



Many people have already posted You, so I won't do that (but EEEEEEEEEEEEE).

But how the heck can Setsuna look so beautiful?


November 24, 2020 01:54:31 +0000 (UTC)

Happy birthday Rem!

Happy birthday Rem!

You’re hair is so beautiful and you are so amazing and cute :).

Happy birthday Rem!! 💙💙

November 27, 2020 02:43:59 +0000 (UTC)


Happy birthday Ren! Even though we know only a handful of information regarding you, I'm still positive that you're my best girl hehe. Also happy Thanksgiving!