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October 21, 2019 05:54:49 +0000 (UTC)

**A Lightly Salted Birthday Party**

A Lightly Salted Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to the number 1 Russian idol in the universe, Eli Ayase. For her birthday I decided to break out my Photoshop and mix her with some Lay's Classic. хорошо!

October 20, 2019 19:54:24 +0000 (UTC)

Happy Birthday Eli!!

Happy Birthday Eli!!

I've made this new edit just for her birthday and I hope that everyone will love it 💖💖

Follow me on instagram if you want to see more edits on @/editor_kuma

October 25, 2019 06:25:23 +0000 (UTC)


happy birthday Eli, I'm cursed to get your cards constantly on both SIF and SIFAS but I forgive you

your URs are pretty even though your SIFAS UR looks like the lead plastic in Mean Girls, or any white girl at prom

October 24, 2019 19:18:56 +0000 (UTC)


Dear Eli,

I heard it was your birthday recently. I tried to find you and you were nowhere to be found so. I left this with Nozomi. I figured student counsel activities kept you busy all day and we couldn't meet up. I also left some chocolate with her for you. She recommended which one I should get you. A friend like her is great to have. That's why I really wanted to see you. It's also why I wrote this letter. I wanted to thank you!

You introduced me to so many people. I saw a photo of you when you were a ballerina and though you were so pretty and wanted to know you more. So I indulged in the lore of μ's and listened to your story. I did see you once at a convention while buying μ's merch. We talked about your friend Yoshino Nanjo and bonded.

It would be a while before we met again. During that time I met other idols and fans. Some of these include Ichigo Hoshimiya, Chihaya Kisaragi, both Ruby & Dia Kurosawa and yes everyone in μ's as well as Aqours. I also have Nijigasaki High School's Idol club on call for when the need arises.

I hate to cut this short but I have a meeting with Afterglow about tonight's setlist. The live venue I told you about is taking off very well. If you get a chance come on by and we can chat like old times. If you really want though it's small I wouldn't mind μ's performing a small setlist. Aqours came by yesterday and had a mini live of their own.

Thank you for everything, you may not have been a great ballerina but you always shined in my heart and you danced your way in there and brought a whole troupe with you.


P.S. I always thought you were great at ballet and am glad you still have the gift of dance in you! I wouldn't mind doing a pas de deux with you if you taught me!

P.P.S. Nancy says hi and to take care of yourself she misses you too!

(side notes & references Eli's friend Yoshino Nanjo is a reference to the final love live! where she switched her closing MC to Ayase Eli and Nanjou Yoshino.

Ichigo Hoshimiya is the main char in Aikatsu which I ended up enjoying thanks to enjoying love live, Chihaya Kisaragi is in the idolm@ster and one of the girls I main in Idolmaster 2 on PS3.

Afterglow is a band in Bang Dream! that I have been maining atm thanks to the game giving me their cards A LOT!

Nancy is part of my Girlfriend's online username she knows Eli probably best and is a nod to her being supportive of everything.)

October 21, 2019 21:59:48 +0000 (UTC)


Happy Birthday to my Erichikaaaa~!!!! 💕💕 Here’s your epic gift from meee: a cover of her center :p I love you eli >w<

October 22, 2019 14:38:29 +0000 (UTC)

Happy late Birthday to the compassionate, ever dependable, considerate Russian beauty Eli! What...

Happy late Birthday to the compassionate, ever-dependable, considerate Russian beauty Eli! What would µ's be without her, after all?

October 23, 2019 09:46:28 +0000 (UTC)

Smart and Cute! Elichika!!

Smart and Cute! Elichika!!

Happy Birthday to the smart and cute Elichika!

I love the witch card for it’s “traditional dress” look, the colours are also fitting for Eli, who looks beautiful! I gave her a bashful expression, because we need more embarrassed Eli-san! So cute! <3

I hope you like it! How are you celebrating Eli’s birthday?

Eli's birthday party

October 20, 2019 19:58:37 +0000 (UTC)


My first idol song, series, love. Yume no Tobira, a friend sent it to me as a random youtube whim. And I was mesmerised!

I know what they mean in the show about "shining" because truly, she shone out of my screen and into my heart.

As a failed ballet dancer too, I felt the struggle. I could see her trying to be a good leader, and I wanted to as well. She gave me hope that I could keep dancing despite being ill, injured and beyond my time. It didn't have to be perfect, it just had to make others smile. And make me smile!

Still, every time I hear her voice I smile. So brightly. And all you've ever done is make me want to make other people smile. I know I'll never be as bright as you. As the seiyuus, as any other idol I've seen. I know my cosplay is nothing in your image.

And yet when I twirl around in my living room, shouting SUNNY DAY SONG! and clapping my hands, I feel like I'm at the centre of the world. I feel like I can do anything. And you taught me that.

I honestly wasn't that intrested in the song until I heard your solo. It sounds so cliche to say it now but I feel like I knew that we were connected and you would be my best girl. My first. My last. My only.

Sometimes I'm still bedridden from my illness. And I can see your face on the wall, telling me it's okay to fail. For those years in a wheelchair, I could carry your pin around with me, reminding me that I could believe and I'd get another chance.

Every step I take now is a victory. And that makes me smile. I know you'd be proud of me too.

An idols job is to make others smile, and you did that for me in the darkest of times.

I'm new to all stars, but an old SIF veteran. I hope I can just honour you in another way, and make so many more good memories. Thank you for always taking care of me, and for singing your way into my life.

We really have made a story together! I remember making my first internet friends over SIF, when I couldn't go to see the movie due to living in London, a friend bought me a ticket! And the little dog plushie she bought with her, a substitute for me, came home with a shiny Sunny Day Song Eli SR for me. My prized possesion. Both a symbol of friendship and love across oceans, something very important to me with not much chance to go outside, and a symbol of how far I'll go for you.

This summer I got to see Aquors in LA. I'm lucky, in that sense, because I got to feel the power of idols. I hope when I sing little covers to the society at university, or I sing to myself in my room, I can shine even a little bit as bright. But I know, to me, you would've shone brighter. You always have. You light me up.

I can be pessimistic, stubborn, and I can get controlling. Sometimes I feel like my way is always right, and it isn't. My way hardly ever is perfect, and is sometimes impossible. But there's always other paths, other ways and other reasons to smile. Like you. You make me smile. I hope I can make you smile too, by telling you how much you mean to me.

Please accept my confession!

Happy Birthday Eli. <3

October 21, 2019 17:19:36 +0000 (UTC)

Happy birthday Eli!

Happy birthday Eli! You’re a huge inspiration to me and help me be happy every day! I love you so much and I hope you had an absolutely happy birthday! Nozomi helped to throw a birthday party and helped me make cupcakes for you!

October 23, 2019 02:09:41 +0000 (UTC)

My transparency has been fixed by this.

My transparency has been fixed by this. Sorry, I missed Eli Ayase's birthday but Eli if you are watching this, here you go!