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October 22, 2019 06:26:13 +0000 (UTC)

Hi! I'm GameMaster and I'm an avid rhythm gamer and idol enthusiast  also full time weeb . Honestly...

Hi! I'm GameMaster and I'm an avid rhythm gamer and idol enthusiast (also full-time weeb). Honestly where to start... Love Live has always been a wild adventure for me. I really wasn't into it as much before I got to see the delayed viewing of the 5th live with a good friend of mines from middle school. He invited me a few weeks prior to seeing the event and at the time I wasn't really that well informed on the Love Live series (but like the only thing I knew was Nico and her Ummm cough* cough* meme cough* cough*). So, I devoted that whole entire 2 weeks of my life of watching the whole entire Love Live series from Muse to Aquors, searching through the gloriest online forums on what the heck was up with Honoka seeing her future self in the love live school idol movie, all the way to doing the deepest search of my life to finding the over the rainbow movie (wish I actually watched it in theaters but still would rate it 4.5/5 needs more songs). I also managed to see the 3rd delayed viewing online too. Love Live overall is a pretty good series overall and I would honestly only have to say that the worst thing about it is probably the somewhat bland plot (not really though) and the lack of many wanted character interactions. I'm not really a shipper but like Eli and Nozomi really needed to have more of those moments in the series along with literally how sunshine never went further to emphasize on the threesome the 2nd years were having after that one major episode, like I just want t know is Chika with Riko or You. Overall, the delayed viewing came and I was blown away by the sheer energy that radiated from a bunch of weebs chanting in a theater. It was so much fun chanting and waving you blade for your best girl (honestly Suwa is probably best seiyuu but I stand You and the 1st years). Overall, I've always had a keen fascination with Japanese idols as a whole before getting introduced to Love Live, especially from my peak interests in Vocaloid and other forms of Japanese music (I'm looking at you Babymetal and literally any good bop of an anime op, Let's go Naruto Shippuden). And after Love Live, I feel like its one of those must-watch series on any Japanese music enthusiast, nt just for the characters but for the experience. (also don't start me with the media and games because that is another story ENTIRELY)

October 12, 2019 21:24:09 +0000 (UTC)

One day, in mid 2016, I was playing osu!   I was quite the addict at the time. I'd watched a few...

One day, in mid 2016, I was playing osu! - I was quite the addict at the time. I'd watched a few anime, but was never hardcore, never kept up with the recent trends - heck, even now I still don't.

I kept seeing players with these avatars of these same beautiful girls. They always looked so happy and cheery, but I thought nothing of it.

Until eventually, I came across a map of Start:Dash. I didn't know what it was, or what anime it was from, but seeing μ's in the map's background was mesmerizing. They were so pretty, and so happy. At that moment, I knew I had to watch Love Live.

I was instantly hooked. Watching μ's come together, seeing them have fun and be happy. I lacked it in my own life, but somehow, seeing their story unfold was fulfilling to me. These ordinary high school girls all following their dreams, achieving what they thought was impossible; I loved it.

At the time, I absolutely despised Nico. I thought she was so incredibly rude and deceitful. After finishing the show, I took a step back and realized that I had spent so much of my time watching SIP thinking about her, and after some self-reflection, I realized that Nico is everything I want to be. Pained, surrounded by tragedy, having been given up on, yet still fighting for the people around her to smile. Everything in Nico's life is so sad and tragic, and despite that, she still dedicates herself to bringing joy to other people. She's my biggest inspiration, and I strive to be half as amazing as she is.

When I finished watching SIP (and crying a ton), I did my research and discovered that μ's had just ended months before. I felt so bad, having only just discovered these amazing girls after their final live.

But luckily for me, there was a new generation of Love Live just starting. I was hesitant, of course. Was I supposed to be cheering on a new generation when I was so late to μ's?

I was so in love with the franchise that I did it anyway, of course. I was just in time to watch Sunshine as it aired. I remember coming home from school every week, so excited to see the new episode, and trying desperately not to cry at each one.

I also started playing SIP right before the Aqours update. I wasn't new to rhythm games, but playing on mobile was new territory for me. Needless to say, I was bad. I played for about 2 years before I decided I was done - I loved the game dearly, but I just wanted to move on.

Sunshine was, to me, absolutely beautiful. The animation quality was amazing - the sparkling sea in every episode always mesmerized me. Aqours' story was just as gripping, and they were all so beautiful. Aqours really managed to grip my heart.

Mari always stuck out to me - the love she has for her friends, her beauty, and her humor. But I knew she was amazing after episode 11 of season 1, when You starts feeling jealous of Chika and Riko's relationship and Mari is the only one to comfort her. She's such a caring, loving person, and I want to be like her. One other thing I relate to about Mari is that throughout Sunshine, her parents have ended up being the antagonists. It always turns into a battle of Aqours against Mari's parents, and by extension, Mari against the values of her family. It's quite tragic, but the way she always manages to believe in herself and find the strength to fight for her morals is extremely admirable.

Another thing I love about the franchise is the music. No matter what mood I'm in, there's always a Love Live song to match. The lyrics are so beautifully written, and I love the stories they tell. My favorite song has to be Loveless World. It's so raw and gripping, and of course, it's an absolute banger - what's not to love?

When Aqours' first live happened, I was disappointed there was no local DV. I remember reading the LL wikia's twitter as they'd post the songs and playing them to myself. Luckily for me, there's been local DVs ever since. I've made the hour and a half trip every time I could, and it's always such an amazing experience - of course, I always end up sitting there trying not to cry, but to me, that's just part of it.

So, what exactly is my Love Live story? I suppose that's many things. The times I've sat there crying about high school girls. The late nights spent watching Niconama funny moments compilations. The rants in my friends' DMs about why people need to treat Nico better. All the times I've sat there in the dark with my penlight on, jamming to concert footage. The constantly refreshing LL meme pages. The slowly filling my bedroom with merchandise. The countless amazing friends I've made through Love Live communities.

To me, Love Live! isn't just an anime, it's about normal people doing incredible things. And I'm grateful to be here experiencing it.

Thank you for reading through this whole thing! Also I spent a whole hour writing this and it's currently 5 in the morning so sorry if it's dumb
October 13, 2019 03:42:28 +0000 (UTC)

Alright so for the 'Whats your Idol Story' I'll share mine!

Alright so for the 'Whats your Idol Story' I'll share mine!

I got into Love Live about 5-6 years ago (Around when Mermaid Nozomi was released), back when the EN server was JUST EN and it was fairly new. I was going through a very hard spot in my life. My mother had just passed, and I got out of a really bad relationship as well. I used to actively be on a site called Quotev, and someone I knew was really into the game, so I gave it a shot. My very first best girl was Nico. The game brought me so much joy, I became addicted! When I was grounded, I'd make my friends at school download it so I could play on their phones. My first ever SR was Job Hanayo (the one with no nose? lol)

I continued to play all through high school, and one day I stayed after school and played for 4 hours. It was the event with Rock Eli, and I wanted to tier for her. I managed to grind and practice so hard that I started to play and FC expert songs. After getting her, she became my favorite. I began to play with a will to become insanely good at it! My dad always said he's never seen fingers move that fast, he thought I would be really good at piano LOL.

I can't even begin to describe how much it means to me. I always get choked up and start crying when I think about it. I can't listen to any Muse song without feeling a large rush of energy. I feel like those 9 members of muse are the embodiment of every dream I had, and everything I wanted to be growing up. Muse, and the Love Live franchise in general, is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Now that I'm 19, I'm grown up and working, paying bills on my own and doing adult things. Looking back at 14 year old me, I'm so incredibly happy with what kind of person I've grown into because of Love Live. It fills me with so much love that I want to share with everyone! Thank you so much for giving me the chance to tell my story! ♡♡♡

October 13, 2019 20:06:00 +0000 (UTC)

People are sharing their stories, so I thought I'd do the same! If any of you are familiar with...

People are sharing their stories, so I thought I'd do the same! If any of you are familiar with SiivaGunner and "high quality rips" you'd know that the song Snow Halation was used as a meme constantly in 2016. Eventually it pushed me to watch the anime and in short, I loved it and hopped right into Sunshine afterwards. I've been into Love Live since 2016 and since then, I've been to different delayed viewings and even saw Aqours at Anime Expo in 2018! Love Live means a lot to me and has helped me accept who I am more as well as motivate me to push harder on my artistic goals as well. I love this series a lot. 💙

October 22, 2019 00:52:11 +0000 (UTC)

My Love Live story began in 2017.

My Love Live story began in 2017.

One of my friends told me to pay the game, and like the fandom seeking kiddo I was, I downloaded it!

I hadn't seen the anime yet, so when prompted to choose my starter, I chose based purely on looks.

I chose Nico.

I had a great time playing the game, doing solos, getting super excited about rares from the friend points box.

Getting extremely excited about sr and ssr cards, even if they were initial.

My favorite N card, and overall girl at the time was Sachiko.

I liked her whole supernatural deal.

It was fun!

I was on my way to a field trip, when I got my very first ur.

I did a blue ticket pull, and got swimsuit Eli in return!

I was so excited!

I had watched the anime at that point, and I really loved it.

I did vastly prefer Muse at the time, though.

But eventually, I did fall out of love with the series after a bit.

It wasn't really what I needed at the time.

But around Christmas, 2018, I was discovering a love for rhythm games after playing a lot of persona dancing,

and I decided to open the app again.

and I fell in love again.

I immediately saw Yohane as my best girl after I realized how much we had in common.

And I do really love her.

I started learning how to seriously play the game and I started saving up fro my favorite cards once I saw them on school idol tomodachi.

I loved ac next stage Yohane, but my absolute favorite,

was Punk Rock Yohane,

I adored her design, so, so much.

I neeeeded to have her.

I saved up all year for her birthday, with some splurges along the way for ac Yohane and Mari. (I did get them though!)

But once her birthday came around,

with 670 gems..

I got her limited birthday, and summer ur!

No punk rock though..

it was bittersweet.

. . . . . . .

After a while of loving love live, almost a year had passed

and it was time for all stars to come out.

and I was excited!

I downloaded it, and I had a great time!

. . . . . .

The future of Love Live, and my time loving it, looks bright.

and that's pretty much the end of the story.

Until the other week.

I saw the new limited boxes.

I used all of my gems,

and at the very last chance...

She was home.

October 19, 2019 17:26:27 +0000 (UTC)


I hope I’m not too late (><)

My love live story is nothing special but here we go. It started in the July of 2014; I was browsing an anime forum on a whim, when I came across a topic about the game Love Live! School Idol Festival. I took a look at it, and since I was looking for more mobile games anyway, I downloaded it. I had heard of Love Live when the anime aired; I didn’t watch it because I thought it would be your typical moe blob show, something that I don’t think I would have enjoyed at that time. Because of that, I didn’t really think I’d enjoy the game. I was wrong; Love Live became a very big part of my life. I played it almost daily, to the point where playing it became somewhat integrated into my daily schedule. I watched the anime a couple months later and to my surprise, I really enjoyed it! I think that was when I really started liking the series and began playing the game more often. When Muse decided that they were going to take a hiatus, that was when I realised truly how much this franchise meant to me. I was really going to miss them; at that point, they had been an important part of my life for almost two years. I graduated high school a few months after Muse’s final live, so for me, it felt like they were graduating with me; that we were each going to start a new journey.

I never really felt that attached to Aqours as I did to Muse at the beginning; I think part of that was because I didn’t have a best girl that was really attached to like in Muse (Kotori is my best Muse girl, but I love all the girls to bits), and because a lot of people were still sad about Muse. During and after watching the anime, I was pretty indecisive about who my best Aqours girl was, because they were all just so GOOD. It switched around a lot, but eventually Chika became my best girl. However, it wasn’t a while later that I realised how much Chika meant to me.

I think most people who know me well know that I love Chika a LOT (or well maybe my nesos because I show them a lot of affection and no one knows their names LOL). She has very much changed my life for the better; a lot of her struggles have taught me how to overcome my own, things that would still be binding me down if not for her.

I’ve generally not been mentally well for the past couple of years, and I’ve only gotten the help I needed recently, so I think, in a sense that Chika saves my life; I really owe her a lot! Her smile always encourages me, and she really is my shining light.

Through Chika, I came to love Aqours a lot more. It’s not that I didn’t love them anyway; I really did! I loved all their songs and I loved all the characters. But I think seeing how much Chika treasures Aqours, her radiance, made me love them a lot more too; every single member has something about them that just...shines.

One of the best days of my life was when I went to Aqours 5th live earlier this year; I honestly thought it was something that would never, ever happen in my wildest dreams, but it really was a dream come true; and it’s honestly still unbelievable. Being able to see Aqours in person (I was quite close to the front) was honestly such a treat, and it still feels so weird thinking about how that actually HAPPENED. That was probably one of the first times I had been in a place with so many love livers; people who also loved this series, and Aqours, just as much as I did. The rainbow is something that’s permanently burned into my memory; turning around and seeing a rainbow made out of penlights with so many people, whose hearts were united in our love for Aqours, is something that I’ll never forget.

Without a doubt, my life would not be the same without Love Live; it was the first time I’d ever felt so attached to a group of characters, and without it I probably wouldn’t be into any of the other mobage I play. And it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that I might not even be here if it wasn’t for Chika and this series! It really does mean a lot to me.

October 21, 2019 17:48:05 +0000 (UTC)

This is going to be all over the place so I apologize in advance haha!

This is going to be all over the place so I apologize in advance haha!

Hey, Hi and Hello! I'm Wi and my Love Live Story started all the way back in the Summer of 2014! I was searching for a new show to watch and that's when I saw a little Show called 'Love Live! School Idol Project' It only took one episode to get me completely hooked. I immediately fell in love with Honoka and Kotori. Then Hanayo got introduced and I was a goner. I watched both Seasons in a few days and god, I cried so much, I loved everything about it.

After browsing Tumblr for fanart I found out about the Love Live School Idol Festival app and downloaded it as fast as I could. So many cute girls, so many cute outfits. But out of all of them, Hanayo still was the Love of my Live (pun haha). I met so many friends through Love Live and I really appreciate this. I cosplayed Hanayo in multiple versions and even won some competitions I joined! I got dragged even deeper into Idol Hell by getting to know the loveable Voiceactors behind our beloved Idols.

When Aqours was first introduced, I hated them. I called them cheap replacements and other bad things. But some part of me wanted to give them a chance and I am so glad I did. After getting to know them, I completely fell for Yoshiko. I am a sucker for the Chuunibyou Character Type so... yeah easy game. Mari was also a character I instantly fell for. My relation with Riko is still very funny to me as I did not care about her one bit at first. Until the day came and a friend of mine asked me to join their Cosplay group. I was a little bummed out to be honest as I wanted to cosplay Yoshiko but they already had someone else do it. So I choose Riko as I liked her outfit. And that's when I rewatched the Anime. And now Riko is my best Aqours Girl next to Yoshiko. :')

When the Nijigasaki girls dropped, I was so excited. I absolutely adore Kasumi and Rina and I can't wait to see what the future holds in store for them. __

All in all, Love Live helped me through some very dark times and I don't think I've ever loved a franchise as much as this one. I am so insanely thankful for Hanayo. It might sound stupid but I adore this girl so much and I've never adored a Character as much as her. Gonna add a low quality Picture of the little Party I held last year for her birthday haha!

October 21, 2019 19:25:38 +0000 (UTC)


So, hey everyone. I'm JakeyNico3 or Jakey. My Love Live! story began as probably quite a few people's did: The infamous 'Nico-Nico-Nii'...As soon as I saw it, I began researching Love Live! and binge watched the first season in one sitting. I fell in love with Miss Nico Yazawa as soon as she appeared on stage and started to listen to the songs, my favourite at the time being Bokura wa Ima no Naka de and Snow halation. After a while, and watching the second season and the movie, I discovered SIF and downloaded it immediately. However, when I loaded up the app, I was met by 9 faces I'd never seen before:

First Aqours view

At first, I was convinced that Kanan was a first-year. Idk why, just that playful expression. I loaded up the game and picked Nico (obviously) and saved up enough gems to do a pull in the current Muse box (at that time, it was Pyjama Party. I'm a recent-ish Love Live fan) and got a 1 SR pull. That SR was Pyjama Party Nico and I still have her to this day. My first UR was Birthstone Nozomi if you're interested

So I cleared the Muse stories and while on the scouting page flicking through the Muse tabs, I flicked over to Aqours by accident and decided to do a solo yolo and got Ruby's Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai R. I was happy because she looked like Nico. That was the reason that Ruby was my best girl for Aqours for a while until I watched the Sunshine anime. Then I saw Yoshiko and fell in love. Out with Wooby (still 2nd Best, dw) and in with Datenshi Yohane. To this day, I have loved Yohane ever since and saved for her birthday this year: 1 UR on EN and 1 Limited UR on JP

October 21, 2019 23:58:20 +0000 (UTC)

Hello, Silent here. Here's my Love Live! story.

Hello, Silent here. Here's my Love Live! story. One day in August of this year, I was on youtube watching memes when I came across a meme with snow halation in it. At this point I had heard of Love Live! but never got around to watching it (I only knew about Nico). After watching the snow halation meme I was like, "You know what? I'm just gonna watch Love Live!" So from that point I watched the anime. (I watched the school idol movie after sunshine and felt stupid) The anime really got me into the franchise as a whole. I quickly downloaded school idol festival and set out on a journey to create a full team of Hanayo, which I'm glad to say I completed that goal. As of now, I have playlists of μ, Aqours, and Saint Snow. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for this franchise.

October 14, 2019 00:33:35 +0000 (UTC)


Hi! (I'm a Spanish talker, sorry for my bad English) I'm a LoveLiver since 2016. An internet friend recommended me an anime, in which a group of girls try to save their school by dancing and singing. I was not sure if it will be of my pleasure, but I gave it a try..... and I felt in love with Love Live and µ's, then with Aqours, and now with NijiGaku. Thanks to them I could escape from reality and be happy even for a few minutes. I try to express my love for them by consuming their music, buying products, and occasionally doing edits (they are not very good ^^ "). I think that's it, thanks for reading, I hope we can be friends

Here are some bad SIF edits that I did for Ruby, my best girl.

Boku-Naka-Ruby Flower-Bouquet-Ruby Pirate-Ruby)

October 21, 2019 14:37:18 +0000 (UTC)


hello! i'll make this both my introduction post and my lovelive story post, i hope thats okay! ive been into lovelive for i think nearly 6 years now? i got into it a while before SIFEN (now WW) released, though i only got the game later, around the time initial Nico UR released! for around 1-2 years since i first got into LL i was very obsessed with it and it was my main interest for that time! unfortunately i started drifting away from the community by the end of Muse's cycle/the beginning of Aqours, mostly because the fandom left a bad taste in my mouth. i don't remember when i officially quit SIF but it was after i lost my latest main accounts, and i didnt feel like raising a new one. i havent played the game since i had a phase when i really resented lovelive... i dont even remember why. i still liked most girls, i just didnt want anything to do with the franchise in general. but since the first announcement of PDP, i started getting back into LL and interacting with the fandom a bit more, because i honestly missed my best girl. and now with SIFAS i have a fresh chance at playing a LL game again! luckily for me, SIFAS has been pretty nice to me so far :) my best Muse girl changed a few times, i think i liked Nozomi at first and then i liked Umi, all for a short period of time... but honestly i've always loved Maki, but i never really admitted it because people around me made fun of her for being tsundere and sometimes made fun of her voice... but i got over that and finally accepted her as my best girl and that hasn't changed since. i ranked fairly high in some older Maki events in SIFEN, and she was also my first idolized event card (setsubun maki)! Despite everything, my favorite unit is actually Aqours! though maki is my #1 best girl still. My #2 and aqours best girl is Chika, though she also wasnt my favorite at first! i liked Kanan at first but i switched to chika pretty fast. As for PDP, Setsuna has been my best girl since they first announced her! i think thats about it... i wish i still had some screenshots as memories from the times when i played SIF, but it's been so long. i didnt think back then that i'd feel nostalgic for this. lovelive is important to me because it introduced me to the world of idols in general! nowadays im into a Lootttt of idol franchises and other similar music-oriented franchises, some very popular and others not so much. the idol fandoms im mostly active in are the idolmaster fandoms (pretty much every branch), tsukino productions (my favorite!), idolish7, b-project, and ensemble stars! i also have a minimum understanding of tokyo 7th sisters, macross, and dream!ing but im not super invested in them. what else about me... my name is ken, im 19 years old and turning 20 in a few weeks. my other interests are mostly videogames! and also im from brazil🇧🇷 nice to meet you all, sorry this was so long!

October 21, 2019 14:37:26 +0000 (UTC)

Hello, My name is Refa, You can call me Theta444 I'm LoveLiver since 2014 with my brother, a...

Hello, My name is Refa, You can call me Theta444 I'm LoveLiver since 2014 with my brother, a internet recommend me about Love Live! In which group try to save the school from closing by Dancing & singing I felt in love with Love Live, with u's then Aqours & now NijiGaku. My Favorite Girl is Kanan Matsuura & You Watanabe (Aqours), Kotori Minami (u's) with Maki Nishikono a bit. & NijiGaku is one &, only Setsuna Yuuki. I love them all of Group of Love Live even song choices. That's it for my reading & I hope we can be friends of me.