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October 21, 2019 14:42:10 +0000 (UTC)


I can't remember tge exact date I got into Love live but I remember it being around the time Aqours we're still new to sif. My sister was playing sif on her phone and let me have a go at Yuujou no change. I fell in love with the song and went to find more. I remember listening to Garasu no hanazono and kokuhaku biyori desu on YouTube and loving those too. After that we began to watch the anime and moved on from there. From the bottom of my heart I just want to give Love live and it's community a huge thanks for being so wonderful.

October 21, 2019 15:55:48 +0000 (UTC)

Hi there, I'm Lily! I became a fan of LL in July of 2015!  My first best girl was Kotori, but over...

Hi there, I'm Lily! I became a fan of LL in July of 2015! My first best girl was Kotori, but over time I became a fan of Eli! I'm also a big fan of Mari, Karin, and Yoshiko! Now I have trouble picking favorites, but I love Aqours with all my heart! I hope to meet more people who love LL as much as I do!

October 21, 2019 16:01:41 +0000 (UTC)

What's your Love Live! Story?

#What's your Love Live! Story?

My story with LoveLive began in March 2016 because many Twitter mutuals were always talking about LL and I always had full TL, so I decided to try the SIF, and from there was no return and everything went to more xD

I started watching the anime, and almost instantly Umi became my favorite, and since then I haven't stopped collecting his merchandasing, and my goal in SIF and All Stars is to get all your cards.




October 21, 2019 16:04:18 +0000 (UTC)


Hello to anyone who's reading this. My name is KittehKat and I would like to share my story on how I got into the Love Live! fandom. So Let's begin!

How I actually got into Love Live! for the first time was where the time I played a Roblox game called Robeats back in 2018. Buying a new song from the Music Shop, I saw the song that people really like in the Love Live! fandom: Snow Halation

As I played the song for the first time I knew I had to search it up at Youtube next. The next part as I seriosuly got obsessed with the song was the Nico Nico Ni. At first i asked my big brother about that and he said he doesn't remember that so-called ''meme''.

So I then began to get deeper into the web on what it actually was and I surprised myself as I got into the real stuff called: Love Live! School Idol Project. The first ever anime serie that I watched (besides that one witch anime and pokemon - that I didn't knew that it was a actual anime - but I don't care about that). Seeing the whole first season, OVA version and the School Idol Movie (btw was really awesome) made me wanna watch MORE. And so i began watching the next evolution of the Love Live! franchise: Love Live! Sunshine!!. At first I thought Aqours was like a bootleg of µ's, and now going through all the episodes from the first season and the OVA version made me think that Aqours was just awesome like µ's.

And now going way back before I watched Love Live! Sunshine!!, I had found the rhythm game of the Love Live! franchise. But then i deleted it because I thought it was boring, and then next I downloaded it again and ACTUALLY played it for the first time. Playing Love Live! School Idol Festival made them letting me know that I haven't watched Love Live! Sunshine!! because of the other 9 different girls from Aqours that i found when i picked out the character to be my center. So then i decided to let the game go and watched Love Live! Sunshine!!. And this is where my story ends too.

October 21, 2019 16:04:20 +0000 (UTC)

Finally doing this.

Finally doing this. So, what's my love live story?

It all started in 2016, I kept seeing sif in my recommendations on Google play but I thought I needed to watch the anime to understand the game. So I decided to watch the anime. I finished school idol project in only a few days and then I started playing sif. I was new to rhythm games and I was pretty bad back then but I slowly learned how to play it and now all of my classmates think I'm Satan when they see me play rhythm games.

After loving love live so much, I started getting into other idol games. Bandori wasn't a thing back then and I didn't like idolmaster for some reason so I got into male idol games. I started playing ensemble stars, the mobile game for my favorite idol franchise.

Love Live isn't my favorite idol series, it's probably third place right now but it's still really important to me. It was my first idol game and without it I would have never found out how much I love idol games and idol anime.

I would like to thank love live for helping me through horrible times of my life and making me feel better. It's really important to me and a lot of songs make me cry, especially the second years version of start dash.

Thank you love live, you mean so much to me!

This post is such a mess and I almost cried while typing this lmao

October 21, 2019 16:55:17 +0000 (UTC)

I really love Love Live! I got into the series about four years ago when I was 13. I, of course, saw...

I really love Love Live! I got into the series about four years ago when I was 13. I, of course, saw all the snow halation memes but found I liked the actual song. Soon enough I found out the group behind the song and that it had an anime. I watched the first two seasons and then found out about the mobile game. I’ve been on and off for a few years now and now that All Stars is here I’m excited! My best girl for years has been Maki with Mari close behind and Setsuna Yuki being my recent fav. Its been four years but it feels like longer!

October 21, 2019 18:22:09 +0000 (UTC)


Hi☆ Crissy_Nix here! This is just a self-introduction so if you wanna scroll past go right ahead! I've only been involved with the Love Live franchise for just over a year, but it's inspired me in so many ways! I found it via Instagram and BanG Dream, so I had to check it out... and I love it! Every idol is so beautiful and inspiring in so many different ways! Whether it's relating to them, or just loving their characteristics, every idol is unique, wonderful and special! My best girls are You, Hanayo, Honoka, Ai and Kotori! However I love each girl to the depths of my heart! I'll probably forget I have this account but, if I don't, expect gacha pulls, fanfics, and maybe even some drawings! Thank you for reading~ Looking forward to meeting you all! ☆

October 21, 2019 19:40:41 +0000 (UTC)

I joined love live via a friend. She told me to watch this anime that it was super cute and there...

I joined love live via a friend. She told me to watch this anime that it was super cute and there was a game with it called Llsif. I didn’t think I’d fall in love. I watched it and eventually .... I had realized, I wanted to be an idol too.. I’ve always loved singing and dancing and making people smile in such a way just seemed amazing for me. Unfortunately, I failed... many... many.. many.. times.. the groups never worked out and yet every time I watched love live I grew frustrated, I was happy but part of me was frustrated. And then I met Aqours; μ’s will always have a special place in my heart. But aqours— mainly Chika, has warmed my heart. And seeing her fight through it all, seeing her trying to stay positive, even though she had her ups and her downs. Even though they ended up with zero, I connected with her. I felt the same way; sure the situations were different but I too, was frustrated that it was always zero. Always. But after seeing her cry, and after crying a bit myself— even if it wasn’t a big deal, it was enough to get me trying again... and I did.. and it worked; or is.. working, haha. Turns out, even I can turn zero into one.

October 12, 2019 21:26:39 +0000 (UTC)


Heyo! I don't know too much about this site but it looks like a social media site just for Love Live? That's pretty cool! I've been a fan of the series for a little over a year now (though I've been following it for a bit longer than that) and it has all but consumed my life lol. As my name suggests, Chika is my best girl and she means the world to me! I've cosplayed her a couple times including at the Over the Rainbow screening a few months back and would love to do so at a con or a meetup at some point. o u o )b I've got a couple links in my profile if you'd like to take a look at it or just get to know me better, I hope I can meet even more Love Live fans through here. n.n

October 19, 2019 16:55:02 +0000 (UTC)

Hello, I'm flaychan. **And here's my LoveLive story...**

Hello, I'm flaychan. And here's my LoveLive story...

I started playing LoveLive School Idol Festival in early 2015, back when Aqours wasn't yet there. I got to know it because of my older brother. He was playing some hard expert songs at fastest speed and I was amazed. When I saw him playing it, I immediately wanted to know the name of this game. That's how it all started.

As a Sif beginner, I was a really bad player lol. Back then my English wasn't so good too, so I didn't know/understand maany things, and I wasn't a good rhythm player. I didn't have a best girl for a long time. My starter was Maki but only beacuse she looked cool when I was selecting starter character lol. I liked the game so much that I was playing it every single day, and I was practicing a lot as well so that I get as good as my brother one day... Then my best girl has became Nico for a good while, and I especially loved Cyber Nico card.

Few years later, I was already a pretty decent player, I was FC'ing most Expert songs, I had a good team, I was pretty active in events etc. Honk became my best girl. Unfortunately my brother got a new phone and his account was lost cause he forgot to save the transfer code, and even sending emails to support team didn't help, so my brother quit LoveLive. As the time passed, I was getting busier and busier with my life and school, I have been losing motivation to play Sif, not only because of my life but also the game has been simply becoming boring for me, even if Aqours was added. I unlocked each story of Muse, which was my goal back then. I also got lots of my dream cards and idolized them, and I got as good as my bro.

Welp. I quit Sif in 2018. I still sometimes come back to it, but not for long, as I officially retired from it. I also spent so much money on it I regret that lol

For All Stars I have been waiting for a long time. I heard about it back when I was still playing Sif. Since All Stars is a completely different game than Sif, I find it interesting and so I probably won't quit it for a long time. My best girl from Pdp is Shizuku Osaka. My favorite song is STARLIGHT and I absolutely love it, it made me like Karin as well.

Although my brother doesn't play that kind of games anymore, I haven't stopped with rhythm games just yet...

October 20, 2019 19:00:09 +0000 (UTC)


Hi! It's Chi! 😊 I got into Love live back into 2014. I saw a post on Facebook about the worldwide release. I thought the art style looked so cute, I had to try it. I have bad social anxiety. It was always hard for me to make friends. No matter how hard I tried, I always felt lonely. I always was the third wheel, the one always forgotten. Playing llsif, helped me with my loneliness. Whenever no one would talk to me at school I would play llsif. The only "friends" I had ended up really hurting me emotionally. To the point of almost taking my life. I guess since I'm too kind, I'm easy to manipulate. I felt this game was my only friend. I know it's really sad and pathetic. The only reason I didn't go through with it was because of my mom. I couldn't bear seeing her cry, I love her too much. I spent most of my days playing llsif, listening to the songs and watching the anime. It was the only thing I looked forward to. I was so depressed even my own birthday or Christmas didn't feel great or exiting. I'm a lot better now after graduating high school. I still don't have many friends but that's okay to me. None of them are in my age group but that's okay too. (I think my mom is the youngest out of my friends besides myself.) I'm still very into Love live. I still play. I have cosplayed a few times as Honoka. I love Honoka so much. For her enthusiasm, strength, and determination. Even though she's not a real person, I look up to her. I'd like to be more like Honoka in the future. She's a good leader. I also say Ruby's catchphrase a lot to boost myself up. I hope to make some new friends here with the same love and passion for Love Live. Today I mostly spend my time drawing. Another passion of mine. I'd like to consider myself an artist. Hopefully one day I'll make a living out of it. Frequently I put both my passions together in making fan art. Love live has so many great characters and outfits, it can be hard to choose what to draw next. I love this fandom so much. It has helped me get through some of the worst times of my life. Sorry this is so long, I hope nothing is confusing. If you have any questions I'm open to answer any of them. 😊 I hope I can start some new friendships here. It's nice to meet everybody. I hope everybody has a great day and remember to do your Rubesty! 🍭💕

October 20, 2019 07:22:26 +0000 (UTC)


Hi hi! I'm Diana and here's my idol story!

Back in end 2016, I used to be a fan page for YouTubers I really liked, I would always text with other people that liked them and etc. Sooo one day I get invited by one of my friends into this RP group, I'd never done it before but, I was interested. I join the group, say hello to everybody and introduce myself. Then we all had to make 'profiles' to show what kind of character you would be playing, and then look on google for a picture of an anime girl as reference. I was really interested in blue haired girls at the time so I looked for that. That's where I found a picture of Kanan. I thought she was really really pretty and used her for the RP.

Later on, I'm scrolling through my instagram feed and see a screenshot of someone's SIF home screen, which just happened to have Kanan as set partner. I was like, hol'up, and asked what game it was. I found out it was SIF, so I downloaded it, chose Kanan as my starter, and started playing. Then I found out that there was also an anime of it and started watching that.

I finished the anime in a week and was super obsessed with it. I turned my Instagram account into a Love Live fan page and started posting. Through that I gained a lot more friends and followers, which I'm still thankful for to this day.

I went from posting random LL things to posting memes, edits, and art. And people have supported me all the way through, I could never be more thankful for anything. I'm really happy I joined this fandom, after almost 3 years of being on Instagram and more than 2 years of being in this fandom, I'm still really happy. The editing community is amazing, the art community is godly, the meme community is hilarious, everyone is just so great and I love it uwu~

That concludes my idol story :3