3565 posts match your search:
February 11, 2025 22:43:27 +0000
Forgot to post this here the other day, but Happy Birthday to Kanan!
Not one of my favorite Aqours members, but I'll always appreciate how she shows her love for the group.
January 20, 2025 07:17:44 +0000
Love Live birthday years (headcanon)
3rd years - 1996
2nd years - 1997
1st years - 1998
3rd years - 1999
2nd years - 2000
1st years - 2001
3rd years - 2002
2nd years - 2003
1st years - 2004
Mia is the youngest so she probably born in 2006
S1 - 1st years (main 5) - 2005
S2 - 1st years (4 new members) - 2006
S3 - 1st years (2 new members) - 2007
3rd years - 2008
2nd years - 2009
1st years - 2010
Note: Only third years in muse are millenials while most of them are in Gen Z. 1st years in Hasunosora are in Gen Alpha
December 16, 2024 19:43:21 +0000
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KANATA-CHAN!!! The sleeping beauty of the Nijigasaki Idol Club.
Have a nice, long nap girlie... You've earnt it.
Also, here's a fanart I made a year or 2 ago! 💜💜💜
(The artwork is completely mine)
December 31, 2024 18:19:49 +0000
Happy Birthday, Dia!
Each year, I wish I could say everything I want to say about you. This year, I just want to say that just as you always kept Aqours in your heart, I will always keep you in mine.
I love you <3
December 16, 2024 19:50:11 +0000
Additional Kanata-chan birthday post!
Here's a collage of all the cutest images of you I could find. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 💜💜💜
(All the images are either from this site or from All Stars)
November 13, 2024 02:28:51 +0000
Rina's turn! Happy Birthday to Rina!
Through Rina, we can learn that even if we have difficulty communicating, it *will* become easier for us if we just keep going :)
July 31, 2024 16:10:33 +0000
Happy Birthday to Chika! Not the leader who first paved the road but the one who expanded it so others could join her on her path to the future!
(Tried something a little different this time. On a side note, if Yoshiko/Yohane wasn't enough to get more activity on the site, hopefully Chika will be)
August 08, 2024 19:14:36 +0000
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SETSUNA!!!!!!! My girlie!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for introducing me to Nijigasaki, and inspiring me to embrace what I love! So, let me send you all MY love, like you do for me.
(The above picture is a still from All Stars. I still miss it...)